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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Names from the Bedlington remembered Facebook members.
  2. Photo from John Dawson, sixtowships Facebook group - names from Bedlington Facebook members.
  3. Photo posted on this site in 2012 by our mate Keith, but no names were added back then. Posted the photo on Facebook and the Cambois members have named 18.
  4. Following the fires in 1969 & 70 the school used the Princess Louise Road school, Blyth, until new school was built. Names from Bedlington remembered & Cambois Facebook members Billy Bewick, Richard Todd & Wendy Cape Dawson.
  5. No 30 - Alice Cobb identified by Veronica Leathwaite Kikman off the Facebook Bedlington remembered group :-
  6. The current Stokers Buildings looks as if they are on the same site as the original buildings on the 1922 maps :-
  7. @Stacey Howard :- The author - John Dawson is not a frequent visitor to the site. The last time he logged in was September 25th, 2017. You can check a members profile by clicking on their name tag :- John runs a Facebook group - Sixtownships History group - where he posts info daily. There was a site called http://shop.sixtmedia.org.uk/ where John also had many stories from Bedlington and surrounding towns. That site was used to promote and sell media covering the 'sixtownships' . I've just attempted to go to that site, via Google, but the site wasn't found. Don't no if this is temporarily not available or the site has been discontinued.
  8. @Ken lumsden - Can't help - I'm the same as Webtrekker in that the Ashington Drive running from Stakeford to Guidepost is the only one I've come across. Checked the old maps and prior to 1959 the area where Ashington Drive is now is not developed.
  9. So is here a Covenant to be broken or has there never been one on the '20 acres' site?
  10. Never seen it named on the old maps of Netherton Colliery. After the Rows were demolished the terraces that replaced them were First, Second, Plessey & Third Street. 1898 map :-
  11. No 3 updated @James McKenna
  12. I haven't driven down Front Street for weeks Vic. Only seen two photos from @Malcolm Robinson - for this year. He posted with this comment :- Malcolm Robinson Bedlington West Ward. 26 June at 12:05 The 'Flower Godmothers ' of Bedlington have been out again. Thank you ladies for helping to keep our Town centre so beautiful.
  13. Photo from No 8 Denis Seccombe - names from Denis and other members on the Bedlington Facebook groups.
  14. Houses with cardinal points in their name, that I can remember are :- Bedlington Station - pit rows - South Row, North Row (& Shop Row) surrounding area = West View, North View, East View & East Crescent Top End - only know of New South Row (Dr Pit area) Stakeford = East View West Sleekburn = South Row & North Row Checked some of the old maps and can't find any more
  15. @Rigger Can't think of an East Street in Bedlington. There is an East View, Bedlington Station = terraced row on the A1147 west of Grange Park estate . Was Front Street East ever referred to as east Street?
  16. @Tonyp - plenty of comments, aboit Milne's shop, on the Facebook groups Tony but unfortunately no names of anyone in the photos. There was an older photo, c1938, posted and one member made the comment :- It is Jimmy Millne's .That photo was taken in 1938 the men are Jack Dunsmore Bill Tait and holding the accordion is Maurice Holdsworth. But I doubt if any of them are in your photo.
  17. If you find out any area or street names Martin there are some old photos, early and mid 20th century, around that the members have posted on this site and the Bedlington Facebook groups that might interest you.
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