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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. 16th March 2025
  2. Possible full name for No3 from Maureen Reed.
  3. Welcome to the group @Thomas Carr Gray. Did you move from the toll cottage to Melrose Avenue like a lot of the families did or did you move further afield? This is a link to the post that @Reedy posted in History Hollow in 2013 - BebsideFurnace 1940 - 1952 :-
  4. 1947 school trip to Paris. I recognised Miss Corking, Biology teacher when I was there in the early 1960's.
  5. Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

    Bedlington Grammar School

    It was founded in 1926 as Bedlington Secondary School for the areas of Bedlingtonshire, Ashington and Newbiggin, being built next to Bedlington railway station. Subsequently it became Bedlington Grammar School, before turning comprehensive in 1974. It gained Maths and Computing College status in 2009. Ex pupils you should know :- Sir Bobby Charlton CBE & Sir John Hall, who built the MetroCentre
  6. Update to Nos 11, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 & 33 - the names posted on the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group by Maureen Reed.
  7. @Denice -I see I got the possible schools the McGlen's went to wrong - not Whitley or Westridge but St Bedes. We keep an albm for each of the Bedlington schools under Histric Bedlingto in the gallery section of this group. I have found a c1953 St Bedes class photo, originally thought to be c1949, with Billy McGlen in it. This is a direct link to the St bedes junir and Senior achol album :- The photo is the last one in the album and Bill McGlen gets named in the updates to the photo names.
  8. @jimmcglen & @Denice just remembered I had another photo of my grannie and Mrs McGlen. Unfortunately no date or info with the photo but their dress sense suggests they were on the same wavelength :-
  9. Welcome to the group @Denice. Unfortunately I can't add any further info iro the McGlenn family. Although I remember the family name trying to remember anything about the kids I played with around my grannies (Beatty Road) in the 1950's dosen't bring back any memories. I lived at the oval and went to Barrington & bedlington Station schools where the familes from Beatty Road are would have gone to the Whitley Memorial junior school then probably Westridge senior school. Sadly the member, Rigger, of this group who was looking into his family and had a connection wit the McGlen family died in early 2023. If you input the name - McGlenn - into the search box at the top right of the menu screen you shold get all the comment's where the family name was mentioned.
  10. @Canny lass & @Harry.T.S this is just me trying something different. This is a direct link to a 202 map on the NLS site, same period as the 1921 map CL posted above, but a bit more detail :- https://maps.nls.uk/view/132278981
  11. Northumberland Alerts Sesdnoorptlthmh6ua5miu1iiac4a3h5t71f26139aih00if4720ahu91auc · Construction update for Bedlington Station Works are progressing to install the new station platforms, drainage and fencing at Bedlington Station. Works moving forwards include both daytime and overnight working through the week and on weekends across March 2025 into the spring. Working hours for day shifts during this period are 8:00am – 6:00pm with overnight shifts between 9:00pm – 07:00am. Advance notice of full road closures In order to carry out road drainage infrastructure works on Station Road; a series of full 24 / 7 road closures will be required. These are currently planned to take place on the following dates and times: · Monday 31 March 2025 0:01am – Friday 4 April 2025 11:59pm · Thursday 17 April 2025 9:00pm – Tuesday 22 April 7:00am · Friday 2 May 2025 10:00pm – Monday 5 May 7:30am Please during the above dates there will be 24 / 7 working. These dates may be subject to change and if so, any changes will be communicated in advance. Bedlington South Level Crossing will be closed to vehicles during the works, however pedestrians will still be able to use the crossing using the footway. During this period a road diversion will be in place via Melrose Villas & Jubilee Terrace and St Johns Road. Please see below for an image of the diversion route. Bus Route Diversions Service X21 will follow the diversion below and not miss any bus stops. Service 2 will run a loop via Stead Lane/Rothesay Terrace & Station Road so that buses serve their usual stops in each direction and stops at Palace Road & St Johns Road won't be served during the closures.
  12. @Margaret I Johnson as this site is visible to everyone online I would suggest that you ask the Admin ( @AndyMilnethe remove your email address from view. If you want to contact a member with personal info, eg email address, then it is best to use the Messages, envelope at the top right of the screen so only the two people see the message. The photo that Canny lass posted of the Market Place showing the entrance to the yard is probably the only one wee have seen with a full view of the building. There are other old photos showing the Market place area but not with a full view of the Rawlings buildings. The oldest photo of the area I have seen is one that was popsted on a Facebook group by @johndawsonjune1955 and he has the date as c1903. I have put that photo, one without a date and the 1910 map extract and photo Canny lass posted together :-
  13. @Canny lass I had two cups of tea and 2 Ringtons ginger snaps. Brilliant work and explanantion - thanks CL I can't post all the above on one post on the Facebook comment/question that 'MarknMargaret Johnson' raised so I will give them a direct link to this topic. My memory is saying the margaret joined this grouop not so long ago. I checked the 'Margaret' names and there is a @Margaret I Johnson so this will 'Tag' her.
  14. @Canny lass - reply from MarknMargaret :-
  15. I have asked the question, on Wednesday, but still no response
  16. @Blank - the photo is now on display at Woodhorn Museum. This comment and photo posted on the Facebook group Bygone Bedlingt by David Brady :-
  17. @Canny lass amogst all your research have you any info on the houes/flat numberng in the Market Place? On the Bedlington Remembered Facebook group a member asked :- I had a Google of the shops that are there now and checked the addresses but the last shop in that area, Market Cafe, is given as No 20A :- I had a check on a 1896 map and as expected the Market Place is not filled with buildings that would not have been present when we were runing around there in the 1960s :- I'm guessing that many of the old buildings in that row house multiple families in the early 20c and I suppose it's possible the building were renumbered when the families in 'multiple family' dwellings were rehoused.
  18. @James - now in the late 1950's and early 60's from Bedlington's railway station 3rd Class is something I have no recollection of. I can only remember 1st and 2nd Class and we could not afford 1st so always went 2nd along with everyone we knew.
  19. Distance from Red Row to Cambois :-
  20. @Canny lass & @AvrilG I have been checking out how many churches there was in Cambois and there were two - St Andrews and the Methodist (seaside) Chapel. St Andrews still exists and your first image is St Andrews. I went around the building via Google street view and there is no grave stones etc to be seen. The Methodist chapel, according to the members on the Camboios Facebook group burn't down at the start of the 1970's and there does not appear to be a graveyard in existance. The second photo above i recognised as it is the old Methodist Church in West Sleekburn that is now a private 'house'. It used to be St Peters The following images show Red Row, Cambois Methodist Church and a 1921 map showing Red Row and Cambois. Red Row :- 1921 map :- Methodist chapel Cambois :-
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