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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. That is Wilf - your eyes are better than my OH's
  2. Merry Christmas to everyone in this group from Bygone Bedlington:-
  3. @loopylou - added space for names and also posted the photo on the Bygone bedlington Facebook group but no names so far.
  4. @loopylou - unfortunately no further updates but I will keep an eye on the posting and let you know what happens.
  5. @threegee names updated = 'Mrs' removed from No 3 and No 24 changed from 'Hazel' to Muriel Spurgeon.
  6. https://www.northernrailway.co.uk/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2MUdkKUl047JgGES-iJSnoH0Qkhv44rLuKjTqcm0ZVHt3NMFkNAfsrRok_aem_tHlMA989V9LgnMDn4-FTEg
  7. The awrd initiated by @Bedlingtonian in 2020. Last year, 2023, the members voted for https://www.facebook.com/Thefriendsofwestleacemetery The first three years we had a poll, created by @Andy Millne, and last years was a suggestion that the members agreed with with so no poll. As it has been another quiet year, even for the regulars @Canny lass - @threegee - @Vic Patterson & me, I would suggest the same method as last year but naturally if anyone wants a pool then please ask Andy to set it up. Even Piper has had a quiet year and hasn't even had his coat trimmed for the trophy and is lying down on the job My vote this year would be for Malcolm Robinson. Regardless of his politics he has fought tirlessly for Bedlington and kept us and Facebook members aware of what is going on, or not going to happen, in Bedlington.
  8. @loopylou two more names from the Bygone Bedlington group added.
  9. @loopylou at the moment just 5 names - 4 positive and 1 '?'. Any updates I will let you know.
  10. @loopylou no luck with ant names from from my sister in law. I could post your photo, with space for names, on the Facebook group Bygone Bedlington and see if we can get anyone identified and I will add the name(s).
  11. @Andy Millne would you delete my comment above and this one once done - thanks
  12. @loopylou have you thought about creating an 'Album' named 'The Welwyn' under the Historic Bedlington categories? When you create an Album you have the option to just allow your self to add new photos or you can leave it open for every member to add photos and comments into the album you create. When you select 'Gallery' from the main headings you will see a list of recent comments/ photos that have been posted . If you scroll down you will come to the 'Categories' section - select the 'Historic Bedlington' section and you will get the option to create an album
  13. No 33 named as Joan Muckle by Joan Davison on the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group.
  14. @loopylou I have a sister in law whoworked there in the lat 1960's I will see if I can get her to have a look at it and possibly identify anyone in the photo. Don't hold your breath
  15. https://northumberlandcoastloop.uk/2024/12/07/nera-things-to-see-on-the-northumberland-line-a-free-guide-and-restating-the-case-for-the-n-c-l/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0j5MbdiZk_49wU8SOyxHdrroQeJxNDFNnY2WWOeqtZ7xNondVW9CB7oVo_aem_orAnrxx4pvgvQVR7mbQJ6g
  16. @loopylou Don't recognise anyone in the photo. Don't think I have ever seen any stats etc on the number of people and different trades there were at Welwyn. I must have passed the place a hundred times in the early 1960's but I can't remember ever having been anywhere on the Welwyn grounds. Normaly as school kids in the early 1960's we explored everywhere we could - but not the Welwyn
  17. December 2024 - photo from Simon Williams.
  18. @Vic Patterson this is the latest update on all the news sites :- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3e957k9d1yo
  19. @Pegwoman I know researching family tree can be can take hours and there are many dead ends. Picking up info from withi this group can also be time comsuming and if you use the 'Search' facility you will get a load of topics (many going off the original topic ) baesd on your input in the search box. One tink to note is that if you use the search facility and you input one word then that's what is searched for. if you input a phrase then every word in the phrase is searched for so if you are just lokng for a phrase then add quotation marks around your phrase and only that phrase will be searched for. I'm guessing that as you have been looking around Vulcan Place that you live in the area. If not please say so and any inform that turns up can be clearly pinpointed on local maps of the area. I did a search of the site using just the word - Puddlers - and there are loads of comments returned. The following are some of them that may help your research :- As far as I can see the oldest image of te buildings in Vulcan Place is one the Evan Martin had in his book Glimpses of Old Bedlingtonshire This image looks to be late 1950's early 1960's (based on the cars) and shows the property you have been looking at a bit closer The following images are those linked to Puddler's Row showing extracts from old maps- and they may, or may not help you - 1865 map 1897 map (with some bold text added) Peter Turner's photos of Puddler's Row @Canny lass info on Puddlers Row Puddlers Arms pub When the old airey house = Waverly Avenue, Coquetdale Place, Steadlane Square and Tosson Close were knocked down and replaced with more traditional brick semidetached houses part of Tosson Close was renamed by the council as Puddlers Drive. These are some 'Then and Now' images clagged together :-
  20. @Pegwoman I don't have access to genealogy groups that have census records etc. I just rely on trying to remember (and using the search facility within a group) info/documents that have been posted. An extract from Bennet's Business Directory of 1905 showing Bedlingto retailers etc was posted and I kept a copy. There is an entry for a 'Bell & Gibson, bus and brake proprietors, Vulvan Place :-
  21. until
  22. @Pegwoman this is a direct link to an entry in the album - Doctorr Pit and Rows - with a photo looking along Shiney Row from the Glebe Road along to the Dr Pit. If you wanted to add photos of anything to do with Shiney Row underneath the photo of the row then it's just the same as adding a comment in a discussion topic.
  23. Ashington to newcastle - not stopping at Bedlington - starts on Sunday 15th December 2024
  24. Welcome to the group @dansybelle. From when the mines started in the North east there has always been stories of families moving from the South to find work in the Northern mines but never heard any stories etc. of miners moving South to find work in mining as all the mines would have been in full production in 1944 when WWII ended. The Durham Mining Musem site has a list of all the Durham & Northumberland collieries. This is a direct link to the alphabetical entries of mines in the area :- http://www.dmm.org.uk/colliery/index_a.htm Under the Morpeth name there are only two entries :- Morpeth Banks Colliery Pegswood, Morpeth & Morpeth Moor Colliery There were two collieries in Bedlington :- Doctor Pit & Bedlington/Sleekburn 'A' pit and these two pits had links with other pits in the area eg. Cambois, Choppington, West Sleekburn, Barrington & Bomarsund, Stakeford. For a family to move to the South withoput work or links to relatives would seem to be a very brave move. I am not a member of a genealogy site but expect them to have access to to the latest census records ie. 1921 and birt h records that might help you identify area the family lived and occupation.
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