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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Then and Now (Malcolm's photos)
  2. @terri can't recall any from the 1950's to 1970's when I was living in Bedlington. However my memory is fading --- slowly
  3. Photo from Bev Goodwill on the Facebook group Past pupils of Bedlington High School 1980 -83. The photo, along with many others, was originally posted on the www.sempersum.co.uk site that was created by ex Bedlington Grammar School pupil Mansel Dinnis.
  4. Photo from Bev Goodwill on the Facebook group Past pupils of Bedlington High School 1980 -83. The photo, along with many others, was originally posted on the www.sempersum.co.uk site that was created by ex Bedlington Grammar School pupil Mansel Dinnis.
  5. Photo from Bev Goodwill on the Facebook group Past pupils of Bedlington High School 1980 -83. The photo, along with many others, was originally posted on the www.sempersum.co.uk site that was created by ex Bedlington Grammar School pupil Mansel Dinnis.
  6. 1. In which year were the chimes of Big Ben first broadcast at New Year? = 1923 2. Of which African country is Banjul the capital? = The Gambia 3. On which river does Washington DC stand? = Potomac 4. Who was the first British magician to become a TV star? = David Nixon 5. If you were served aloo in an Indian restaurant what vegetable you get? = Potato 6. Which very common Chinese surname means ‘old’ in English? = Chen 7. Which king of England married Isabella of France? = Edward II 8. On British coins, does King Charles III face left or right? = Left (Lizzy II right) 9. In the celestial hierarchy what is the highest order of angels?= Arch, or Eggy , angel 10. Which car manufacturer produced the Panda?= Fiat 11. Favourite, Figaro and Autumn King are varieties of which vegetable?= Carrot 12. Who married the Earl of Bothwell in 1567?= Mary Queen of Scots 13. Who was Harry Corbett’s furry friend? =Sooty – Sweep & Sue 14. What is the name of the college attended by British Army Officers?= Sandhurst 15. How many gold medals did Jesse Owens win at the 1936 Olympics?= 4 16. What is the surname of Romeo in Romeo and Juliet?= wherefore art thou OR Montecchi ) 17. In which country is the River Glomma the longest river?= Norway 18. Which gas is represented by the symbol He? = Helium 19. How were the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon better known?= Knights Templar 20. What is another name for the Snow Leopard? = ounce I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Racing greyhounds have their nose-prints, which are as individual as fingerprints, registered to prevent fraud. = No - I have never owned one
  7. @terri can't remember having heard of any. Are you thinking about recently or many years ago?
  8. Awarded to Malcolm Robinson for his volunteer work in the West Bedlington community and his online postings on this group and Facebook keeping the community up to date with councill business that was, and wasn't, happening in the area.
  9. Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

    Piper Award

    In 2020 @Bedlingtonian suggested we create an online award for a member of this group that had helped the group throughout the yera and the award should be named Piper awards after Ainsley's Piper, the first Bedlington Terrier.
  10. 1. Football legend David Beckham suffers from ataxophobia. What is he afraid of? 2. What was the colour of Santa’s clothes before Coca-Cola dressed him in red? 3. What is the longest quiz ever? 4. How many letters are there in the Angelic alphabet? 5. Who started the custom of Wassailing? 6. How many of Rudolph’s companions have names starting with D? 7. How did Good King Wenceslas like his pizza? 8. In which Christmas song can you hear “Fa la la la la, la la la la? 9. During WW1, a famous ‘Christmas Truce’ took place, when soldiers agreed to a cease-fire to celebrate the occasion and play football. Which year did this take place? 10. How do you say Merry Christmas in Hawaiian? 11. Who wrote, “Christmas doesn’t come from a store, maybe Christmas is a little bit more?” 12. Visions of which food danced in the heads of children as they slept in the poem “Twas the night before Christmas”? 13. Who claimed that he could “drive away the devil with a fart”? 14. What was banned in Indonesia for “stimulating passion”? 15. What do you call a group of unicorns? 16. What is the longest English word with only one vowel? 17. Which Christmas decoration do the royal family NOT have on their trees? 18. What is glühwein? 19. What is a female turkey called? 20. How many states in USA have a town called ‘Santa Claus’? I'll bet you didn't know: There are no turkeys in Turkey! -Answer = NO
  11. Cheers @_pauls - good to hear from someone living in (or close to) Bedlington. Most comments lately have been from ex Bedlingtonian's, like myself, who haven't visited the town (apart from the latest Google Street View ) we grew up in for years.
  12. Piper Award certificated presented to the volunteers.
  13. A thankyou posted on the FOWL Facebook Page from Sarah, Issie & Jen to all those that helped them during 2023.
  14. After very quite year within this group and very few questions asked from members we branched out to give this normally 'online' award to 'The Friends of Westlea Cemetery'. They are a group of volunteers that have organised and helped in the restoring of the delapidated buildings, grounds and appearance of the cemetery. The refurbished building now used by the volunteers to to make up wreafs to sell on to the public. As this was a not part of bedlington.uk we designed a certificate and Councillor Malcolm Robinson downloaded the certificate and had it printed, framed and the presented to the volunteers. Some images of the work carried ouit by the volunteers.
  15. Piper 2024 award to @Malcolm Robinson for his work in the Bedlington community and keeping the members of this group, and Bedlington, of what's going on. Malcolm, and Foxy, helping out with the refurbishment of the the Friends of Westlea Cemetary building in September 2023 :- Malcolm, along with others, helping out in the gardens around the Friends of Westlea Cemetary building in July 2024 :-
  16. In 2020 a poll was created by @Andy Millne :- and following that poll an online trophy was created : and then an online trophy - Piper - was created and the winning members name tag within the group added to the trophy :- the trophy presented online to an online awards ceremony of the members
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