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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. it'll only start a neg war if people are childish. i for one have only "neg'd" one post, and that was a bit pointless as a war tactic because i "repped" another post from the same user! If its not about the quality of the post, its childish, and just shows the mentality of the person doing it.
  2. Can you see who is giving rep etc? and is there an option to suspend a users 'repping' ability if they misuse it?
  3. and we still have the aardvark! (untill streetview is updated!) The Aardvark
  4. Was it a full moon that day? edit: wrong link! meadowdale crescent
  5. I'm not, i'm a member whom is entitled to their opinion, even if it does differ from yours.
  6. Perhaps its time to introduce a negative post recomendation, instead of just a positive. The fact that comment and others comes from a forum moderator with excelent reputation as far as this board is concerned (64 at the time of posting) does not give a very good impression in my eyes.
  7. is what i'm getting when i hit edit. am i doing it wrong?
  8. Those pictures are excelent! just shows what can change given a bit of time eh?
  9. Can we have an option to review the price on items? I wish to review the price on the wheels from £60 each down to £30 each but it will not let me as too much time has passed. Thanks!
  10. From what i hear, it could possibly be renewing the dranage up towards Bomarsund. But this was just chatter in a pub.
  11. An internet based area would be an obvious way to go i would have thought. Where better for an Internet Café than a Library? Does the place supply coffee?
  12. If only the town had somewhere to advertise such things for places like the library to take advantage of, so what they offer could be shown for free. Apart from lending a book, i dont know of any other service the local library caters for.
  13. something worth thinking about: If there is not the numbers currently using the Library, then what good is it going to do, to go there to boost numbers, if people are not going to keep going once it's decided to keep it? Its something I've never used since school, and personally wouldn't miss if it was to go. (well there was once when I was waiting on someone at the doctors, and 'popped in' to look at the reference section. There was nothing there that I was looking for, so I left.) I do appreciate there are people who do use and need it, but it would need something a little more attractive for me to go there. What that would be, I don't know.
  14. I now understand why parents smack children. Yup! it most certainly is. I can honestly say i've done the same in my days behind a bar. it does all depend on the barperson though. I've seen others that argue the opposite end of the argument just for the argument! :D
  15. Totally disagree. There may be a small few who do, but when i've been in there theres always been a steady turnover. You speaking from experience?
  16. I was not suggesting for one minute that i thought you thought i was lying, just that conversations in pubs with either Barstaff or Licencees seem to sway the way the conversation is currently going rather than arguing a point they believe in. I've seen it many times, as one group of people leaves and another arrives, their views seem to swing from left to right as nesessary.
  17. Thats not the conversations i've had. but thats the way it goes in pubs i've found. You make a good point with the palace, and the Lion did try to fill that gap once it closed. Poorly tho. it was never a match.
  18. Not at all!! Most of the people i have spoke to who run the pubs in bedlington want it to return to the "Saturday Night" it used to be, with people traveling from the surrounding towns for a pub crawl. A wetherspoons in that location would, in their opinion, kickstart this trend again. The only 2 that dont want it, are the Ridge Farm, and the Black Bull, for obvious reasons! A cheep bar in that location *May* start the trends of either starting at the top and working the way down, or starting at the bottom and working your way up, so you take advantage of the cheeper drinks at either the begining of the night or the end, as you prefer. The fact the bars in bedlington are closing one by one are leaving it a less and less attractive place for 'out of towners' to visit for a night out. At the moment, if wetherspoons opened, you would have the crawl: Red Lion - Wharton - Blue Bell - Movies/Community Center - Grapes - Northumberland - Barrington - Bull (Or the other way round) Which gets me my 8 pints i like to have on a night out. The re-addition of the Market Tavern, and perhaps a cheepie in one of the clubs gives a good choice of venues, as well as a few extra cheeky ones... Its a shame its died off as much. I know when i have my monthly night out with the lads, Bedlington is Rarely on the list anymore, with trips to Newcastle, Morpeth or Ashington well before it on the list. And thats a shame!
  19. I disagree, wetherspoons would be a grace on bedlington, and the few landlord/landlady's i've spoke too welcome the idea!
  20. Thats the fine line tho... permission.
  21. Give over... thats got to be a setup!
  22. I remember that wall being rife with Graffitti, but i forget whats there... Photo anyone?
  23. Definatly. It was a great piece of artwork, but the location could have distracted drivers passing the bridge, with a potential accident risk. Was it catalogued before it was painted over? A few photographs have to exist that could be stored on Bedlington.co.uk?
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