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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. Sounds like a graphics card problem, or could be the cable connecting the two. Have you got on-board graphics you could hook up too for a while to eliminate it?
  2. I remember it, although i also remember thinking you'd need a motorbike to use it properly!!! I hope the new park is along the lines of the one at cramlington, with a propper bowl for the skateboarders too! Any plans posted anywhere to look at?
  3. He could have, and has, said things far more personal and upsetting here. now i know, if he's picking on me, he's leaving others alone. Plus it gives me some ideas on how to extract urine at work, so i guess, thanks for the material!
  4. The parking on that first left hand gradual bend can be dangerous at times, the way those youngun's horse their cars up that road. Get a speed trap set up there for a day or two! Same goes for the road leading from the ridge farm towards Nedderton. don't they realise there's speed limit (P.S. should this not be in TOTT?)
  5. If its just troubleshooting your after, ask away. we have a good community base here.
  6. The problem with the above is: Everyones kids are angels. My nephew is the best behaved kid i know. always helpful, and a general good lad. I had the opportunity to view his 'play' up the street, and i was appalled. As well as coughing his guts up trying to smoke, i also seen him practically bullied into taking a shot at the bus shelter, to try and break the window. Even though he refused several times, he finally gave in and picked up a rock. Obviously i stepped in at this point. Now he's confined to our street where we can keep an eye on him, but now he's bullied at school for being a "mummy's boy". No wonder he feels he has to be bad to fit in. How do you suggest that situation is delt with? I'm really interested in the answer, because now me and my sister are at a loss.
  7. Get yourself to Netto, Black and white CCTV camera for under £20 (16.99 i think) with night vision. Hook it up to a video and hit record when you hear anything.
  8. Might have been mine... i fell out with work last night!
  9. Heven forbid i have an opinion! since when did Microsoft offer the Windows operating system for free?
  10. Mypoint ( i thought was clear) was that others share your view... that supprisingly its quite a good program! Its not a case of 'making stuff up', more of errors in detection methods, and this WILL do the same at some point... just like the rest. so again, not lagging behind the pack Which is a good thing!Whats your point? Surprising isnt it! i still agree with fourgee tho... its like selling a barrel full of holes then offering a free plugging up service.
  11. Big disapointment there then! i'm still finding little tweeks here and there... like: 2 User(s) are havin a deeks at this topic 2 members, 0 guests, 0 anonymous users
  12. If you mean "how do you change to Geordie, its mentioned in the first post: Right at the bottom, theres 2 drop-down lists: Default Skin and the language options Change the language one to Geordie.
  13. Other comments have also been positive, but most say its a lengthy process, depending on your computers spec's of course! As for finding files others miss, thats the same with every differing program, as they have differing databases, and differing uptake speeds when they find a problem. Also, some find things like the Ask! toolbar as a virus, just because it is bundled with other programs that dont always ask you if you would like it, whereas other ones simply overlook this, as a simple 'add-remove programs' visit gets rid of it. I've even seen one Anti-Virus spot an out-of-date Java instalation as a threat, which it is of course, but only from a certain point of view. It depends how particular you want it to be. Remember, there are alot of false-positives floating around too, so are you sure what it found is actually malicious?
  14. Reply+ =Ansa thisun awnly MultiQuote=Ansa a cupple Add Reply=Mek yersel hord Start a new topic= mek yer own chinwag boot summit else Any thoughts?
  15. lol, you could wait on other replies you know!
  16. Well if your going to press it, your gonna snitch. the person who snitched is a grass, so i'd say snitch. POLL!!!!!!!!
  17. how about changing the 'report' button to 'snitch'? :lol:
  18. lol, the 'words to that effect' meant i wanted someone else to perfect it Nicely done tho!
  19. As for the 'edit' line, how about: or words to that effect
  20. Already changed is the confirmation screen after you post a reply.geordie edit.bmp
  21. i think you need to go to specsavers monsta! I only get notifications if i reply to a thread, then someone else replies. hence i am then 'subscribed' to that thread.
  22. well, i use the quick reply box, and it does it every time for me. Seems daft to have a general setting set to no email replies, then a post specific one set to send them! i personally think the general setting should be for email replies (for newbies to get emails and for us to disable) and then the post specific one set to no replies unless ticked. if you know what i mean. either that or i can stop being lazy using the quick reply box
  23. Ahh, right, so using the quick reply box isn't an option then?
  24. I'm having an annoying problem: even though i have these settings in place: i am still automatically subscribed to every thread i reply to, meaning i have to clear my watch lists to stop the email arriving each time i reply to a topic. is there something else (other than cancelling the redirect from the email account, or sending to junk) that i should be doing to stop the board notifying me of every reply ?
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