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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. O2 seem to be the market leaders for the youth. All the younguns seem to have them, and they are free. No expiry on top-ups, and spend about £5 a month on mine.
  2. Hi Fourgee, Perhaps its a problem to do with my post count? I have tried manually adding the img tag, and using the "insert image" button on the console, both to receive the error. it seems i can now add images to posts:
  3. Normally problems such as this one are due to add-ons, but i'm sensing this is a clean installation? If not, try running IE in No Add-ons mode, and see if the problem persists. For those who dont know how, you click start orb then select programs, accessories, system tools, Internet Explorer (no add-ons): I would add a screen shot, but apparently i cant use img tags on this board !? You should be able to identify the Add-on by disabling each in turn, if the above seemed to solve the problem. The next suggestion would be an IE reset, but lets see how this works out first. Let us know how you get on
  4. Would look nice in the garden beside the band stand with the huge monkey in it
  5. If you do go with another reinstalation, use an Anti-Virus such as Avast or avira as norton will seriously reduce performance on a low spec machine. Should Norton be pre-installed with the recovery disks, download the new Anti-Virus, then download the Norton Removal Tool relevant to your product, disconnect from the internet, use the removal tool, reboot and then install one of the free Anti-Virus programs. You dont say which operating system you are using, i assume XP from the computers age. Simply using the removal tool without reformatting again may save alot of windows update download and installation time,(unless you have an SP3 disk) and may solve the slowness. Remember, its not advisable to use more than one Anti-Virus at a time!
  6. I was there on sunday. It was ok, up until the point where some sort of jet slowed to the point of falling out of the sky, using just the afterburner and a 45 degree angle to stay up! That was loud AND impressive!
  7. Try holding ctrl and alt together and pressing the up arrow once.
  8. I take it this is something to do with a search criteria... Terrier pits (mining!) Mr Darn!!! :D (sorry, couldnt think of a third! )
  9. I've heard about these refills from round the back, are you a regular visitor??
  10. Seconded: Well done that man!
  11. Actually, it wasn't scrapped. it just has a rolling test period in each area to gauge its need. The test period in this area is up because the time ran out, not because it was scrapped. I, for one, hope its brought back.
  12. It'll take alot of money to clear it up back to a decent standard... I'd like to see it done out tho, as with the right management and backing, it could be a good little pub! It was regarded as a damn good drinking establishment many...MANY moons ago!
  13. Snooker isnt it? at least it was at one time. if it is a pool hall now, i don't hear much about it!
  14. I have heard it was earmarked for development into a care home, but this seems to be the norm for each building that comes empty these days (see bedlington terrier thread )
  15. :D Oh S**t! There's a police Breathalizing checkpoint ahead!! Post moderated for violation of swearing rules! Watch out Darn... you don't want to be put on a warning
  16. The next in the series of Picture Caption's! Please remember the brief rules found in the first of the series! CLICK HERE to be reminded! Lets get your entries in for this one!
  17. NEVER diss the Lasagne!!!
  18. Mr Darn

    Nen Baths!

    The name above the door firmly states MrsVic, merlin. However, should any posts be reported using the 'report' button, i will have a look at the offending article, as will Threegee, Fourgee and MrsVic. Thats what its there for!! You will notice i am a little more strict in the forums i look after, But this is MrsVic's territory, and she has my full backing
  19. Mr Darn

    Nen Baths!

    Eh?? Mundane?? At least it was a topic that involved our town, and had a particular interest to me! (Namely the fact i tried to use it and it was no longer there!) I shall endeavour to run any future topics by you first, just to get the all clear That said, I'd back those plans for gallager park, if i got to see them in a little more detail. What better place for these 'friends' than right here??
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