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Mr Darn

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Posts posted by Mr Darn

  1. Went outside this morning to find first winter storm of the year. It took me 30-40 mins to scrape the ice off the car. We have about one inch of snow at the minute and its going to snow all day.

    its Piss.....istantly raining here, got soaked walking the dog this morning!

  2. He'll be sacked tomorrow morning, about 08.31.

    i b******* hope so too!!

    i would have had a hell of a lot more respect for him had he said:

    "well, i was employed to ensure we qualified, that did not happen, i did not do my job, i resign. Appologies to all the fans for my failure, and the best of luck to the next coach."

  3. they dont care they've got a ferrari!

    Hear Hear, they look at it like they have next summer off, whilst us, the common fan, have no excuse not to 'fix the gate' or 'do some painting' next summer, selfish gits!

    Gonna have to find another excuse now <_<

    oh, and he aint on the dole queue, he's staying...... :blink:

  4. Thats exactly what we were talking about the other day. I suppose it gives them the chance to test a few people before settling them into permenant positions. I wouldnt care, there were supposedly hundreds of applications and yet so many people 'dropped out'... hmm.

    Were the people who worked at Somerfield supposed to be getting kept on to work at Tesco?

    apparently they were given the choice, and those who stayed are working in other tesco's doing training right now...

  5. Thats exactly what i've been hearing, it happened to a friend, she's accepted though. I wonder if it's true that so many people dropped out and now suddenly theres loads of people getting offered the jobs... and i wonder why their all temporary?

    i think its tesco luring people into a false sence of job security in order to get lots of bodies in to fill the shelves before they open.

    the other reason may be to get rid of the wasters after 12 weeks, but they all should have been told it was not the job they applied for, but a temporary one.

    Its disgusting the way they tricked so many people, not only that, but their first pay wont be till the new year, and they will only be paid these 5 hours for 1 weeks work! Who can live on 5 hours for a weeks wages??

    if they have offered contracts, and started people, they should honour those contracts, wether they are at work or not!

  6. Getting back to the topic in hand, i smell a rat....

    this open day, a fair few people went along, and i only heard of 2 getting a job, then rest all got the 'sorry, although your application was very good, we have not got a position for you' letters.

    In this 'open day' it was stated that everyone who was offered a job would be either full time or part time...and it would be permanant.

    Now, i know of several people, including myself, who have since had phonecalls where the guy basically says 'people have dropped out, and theres now a place opened up... i personally said no, i had made other arangements, but a few i know have accepted. they recieved another phonecall confirming their start date and instructing them to hand in ntice at their other jobs to start on monday.

    they did as was told, went to work on monday where they were hearded onto a bus and taken to another store for 'an induction' where they were told they would only be there for that day, for 4-5 hours, and have the rest of the week off.

    they were also informed that they wouldnt actually begin 'training' till the store opened, they would just be getting the store ready for opening.

    Imagine their supprise when they get home to find an offer of employment letter on their doorstep, stating the hours as promised, but a little footnote at the bottom stating: as explained, this is a temporary position for 12 weeks, although we reserve the right to end this contract at any time.

    Be careful, those who have left permanant jobs to go there... from what i hear, all those that were contacted last week are in this position, and will only be used till the store opens!

    I'm pleased i turned it down ;)

  7. one of the worst games ever! would have had more fun watching snail racing!

    i thinbk it started slow, and really sunderland should have had a few more goals, but it was an entertaining second half i thought!

    you can see the difference in the sides tho, One full of pansies plodding about and another full of themselves after just getting back into the premier...

    Although i'm not a fan, I thought Sunderland played well!

  8. Hello everybody, hope u all ok, just came on to say hi. been reading the posts to do with the tavern, it all went down hill when i left. I was in at weekend and had one quick drink but dont bother really anymore. Personally I think that the bar staff are canny lads but need to learn how to smile :rolleyes:

    Welcome Back hun! ;)

  9. A worthwhile endeavour. Well done, that man.

    Well, honours even, a point away from home, dignity intact, a fair result etc etc...

    A couple of points worth mentioning.

    Alan Smith is a knacker.

    Mike Ashley looks like a pork butcher.

    Ross Wallace and Kenwood Chef are good players.

    Roy Keane should get a shave and a decent jacket, the money he's on.

    I'll bid you a good day.

    Was a good match, at least the 4-1 defeat last week is forgotton now :D

  10. With the forthcoming changes it would seem an opportune time to get rid of 'party politics' at local level.

    The council have just had a "public reply' document about the changes out, anyone on here replied?


    Not me, i knew nothing!

  11. what a over rated heep of horse * it is! and why do you feel cheap if you get some one something small! and from a discount shop! :lol::lol::lol:

    this year i will be mostly shopping at pound land! :lol:

    i dont like it either... its a commercialized time when people spend money they dont have buying people stuff they dont want.

    its like i say to my family.... instead of buying me something, spend the money on yourself and think of me, and i'll do the same, that way neither of us waste money and we both get something we want.

    All this over a fat pedophile in a red suit who raped a few children on dec 25th then felt so guilty about it he left presents for them!!!

    Perhaps a bit harsh, but i bet the true story was close.....

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