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Hamburger Pimp

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Posts posted by Hamburger Pimp

  1. You create a gallery album through "My Controls" (the link up top), and you can choose whether it is a private album or viewable by the public. Albums are private by default. You can turn the public switch on or off from your panel on an album by album basis, so you don't have to actually show a particular photo album until you're happy with it, and can turn it on and off (or delete it entirely) at your whim.

    Go to "My Controls" then "My Albums".

  2. Royal Mail, a profitable company, will pay the bill (subject to appeal).

    Postcomm, the regulatory body for postal services, have imposed this penalty for poor delivery performance. This is the point of having regulation, I suppose.

    I don't know who keeps the fine money paid.

  3. Just passing on another "heads up" vis a vis a nasty little scam that is doing the rounds.

    "I don't how many of you shop at Asdas, but this may be useful to know.

    I am posting this to you to warn you of something that happened to me,

    as I have become a victim of a clever scam while out shopping.

    This happened to me at Asdas in Blyth and it could happen to you.

    Here's how the scam works:

    Two seriously good-looking 18-year-old girls come over to your car as

    you are packing your shopping in the boot. They both start wiping your

    windscreen with a rag and Windolene, with their breasts almost falling

    out of their skimpy t-shirts.

    It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip,

    they say 'No' and instead ask you for a ride to another Asdas.

    You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start having

    sex with each other. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat

    and performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet.

    I had my wallet stolen last Tuesday, Wednesday, twice on Thursday, again

    on Saturday, and also yesterday."

    Aaaah! I am kiangs, me.

  4. There is one with home-made sign up between the sweet shop (Yarrow's?) and the kitchen shop before you get to the junction near the Monkey and the police station.

    Have you tried AS Moon? They let properties.

    Hope it works out for you and that the scum harassing you get locked up/a good hiding sometime soon.

  5. The post above looks like a Richard Littlejohn column put through an online translation engine.

    The "PC brigade/bragrade" is largely a myth, invented by frothing right-wing journalists. Stories of local authorities "banning" christmas, when checked up on, are usually bogus. Many councils, mindful of the fact that november sees festivals of several different religions, choose to put up non-denominational decorations which are augmented by more specific christmas items in December.

    The "PC brigade" trying to prevent children having their names and photos published in newspapers are human rights lawyers concerned with the power wielded by the popular press which has already encouraged their readers to persecute sex offenders and mobilised angry mobs of "burn the peedoe" vigilantes.

    Incidentally, the ASBO is a measure brought in by the current government, who either are or aren't part of the politically-correct brigade.

    As for smokers' civil liberties, these have to be balanced against those of non-smokers. While I am all for people's rights to engage in any activity they like, no matter how harmful to themself, the right to blow toxic fumes in other people's faces doesn't strike me as a human right worthy of marching on Parliament to protect.

  6. Tomorrow sees the momentous occasion of Pencil Neck off of the internet's bachelor party. Eleven good men and true will board the iron horse to Scotchland for a final celebration of his wild, crazy, hellcat, barnstorming, boot-knocking young, free and single days.

    The ginger-haired pale-skinned, haggis munching, heavy and a whisky swilling natives won't know what has hit them.

    Godspeed you Bradmeister.

    Liverpool FC's early wedding present

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