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Hamburger Pimp

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Posts posted by Hamburger Pimp

  1. However, the reverse is also true, Miss so-called Darn.

    If a lady chooses not to share her bodily treasures with all and indeed sundry, our society lauds this as admirable, modest, restrained behaviour.

    On the other hand, a gentleman who gives up the pleasures of the flesh for an ascetic, chaste lifestyle of quiet contemplation is mocked as a lardy-arsed, face-licking inadequate failure of a man who couldn't score in a knocking shop with tenners in his lugs.

    Where is the justice in that, eh?

    Sort it out Tony Blairs!

  2. Never mind those Dragonforcers guys and their "tubbyboohoo mommy stopped my allowance, let's drink some cider and invoke demons" schtick, get your laughing gear around some German lounge lizard hipster tunes here.

    All top tackle, notably "Bodybuilding" which was robbed lock, stock and barrel by the excellent Bentley Rhythm Ace for "Bentley's Gonna Sort You Out".


  3. Ladies and gentleman, a moment's silence to reflect on the passing of a legendary boozer.

    I refer, of course, to the Domino aka the Ranch aka Lucy's aka The Palace.

    Since this website has been "off the air" this much-loved night spot has closed down and been bulldozed. A sad end.

    So, no more dancing to "I like to move it". No more chips and ketchup washed down with snakey and black. No more personal appearances by Steve McFaddens off of Eastenders.

    Sorry, I appear to have something in my eye.

    The "olden days" Domino thread

  4. Hmm. I'll allow that steel has been recovered from WWI battleships.

    The stuff about radioactivity rings a bit untrue, though. Radioactivity wasn't created in 1945, it's always been there.

    Even if it is true, there's still no link to materials used on moon landings.

    Still, if it turns out to be true, there'll be a fulsome apology waiting for you.

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