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Everything posted by Pencil_Neck

  1. Yes sir. It has been inflicted on many pieces of blart over the years. No CK is a specialist of the "pick up" technique, the anti sex lobby are training their advisers on this to promote safe sex.
  2. Watching the poor father of the murdered WPC on the news, it stuck me that we need to arm our bobbies with hand guns, shot guns, AK-47s, land to air missiles, howisters, WMDs, etc to handle the scum merchants out there. Hang the bar stewards I say. Hang 'em high
  3. Obviously the safe option for the lasses! Fortunately the girls survived a CK special bumping or a tongue feast
  4. The food establishments are not too bad, quite good actually [Verdi is not good, everything is laced with far too much garlic to hide the poor cooking]. However, pub wise.....do me a favor
  5. It is a tad dull
  6. Clean the mouse ball, always a winner
  7. I reckon I'll stick with the cat
  8. It is indeed a sad day that the Sun Inn is losing such a bright light of the pub trade. (not to mention extras for special customers)
  9. The new curry house on the front street is pretty tasty
  10. Too many fish heeds
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