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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. argh! i thought that was a film! next you'll be tell us were to be arrested for future crimes!
  2. more off licences sounds like down and out american projects! with gun scares and hooded youthes patrolling the streets! whats next crack cocain! crystal meth!
  3. Monsta®

    Room 101

    did you know every one that uses eclipse broadband services shares the same ip address that is situated down near wales or there abouts!!!! clever eh! that is every one from the north east!
  4. examples are feathers and fins, the butchers shop, city vending etc etc the problem is there are less shops for potential clients to move into. if the shops were smartened up people might want to run a business from there!
  5. Monsta®

    Room 101

    i would put pencil neck, missvic and oh no thats it yeah i'd put them in! :lol:
  6. i so they can get turned into flats and the present owner can make a quick penny or two!
  7. Monsta®


    is this the doss house you've move into? only joking! nice em shop type thing yeah!
  8. pete did you work for the mafia or something like? pete the cat burglar i bet! :lol: :lol:
  9. **** off to your own section then!
  10. i that tyche and bedlington fashion place shut down! :lol: thought there was a tatt shop opening down by the dun cow? donna's dusty bin or sumit?
  11. forgot this is for the dull people! :lol: :lol: wont see me on this one again! might get a decent convo with some one with a brain! here a picture to amuse you! might be back time to time to bug the !*!@# out of you'se :lol: :lol:
  12. he needs something to do nowadays!!!
  13. what with pants like them? :lol: :lol:
  14. they try to get at me by deleting me posts but as Mc hammer says you cant touch this!
  15. Monsta®


    it's pencil necks ex girlfriends! :lol: :lol:
  16. face what? and if a had a face like yours.............but its ok it was god who smited you! :lol: :lol:
  17. thank you at least you make sense? unlike missvic, who just deletes what she feels like. and changes content on my postings now thats wrong!
  18. what's youre favourite colour Grey?
  19. i heard it was going to be another carpet shop! or an internet cafe! hahahahahaha
  20. don't be a spoil sport pencil you know you like it! :lol: :lol:
  21. why you off? or out of date! :lol:
  22. when you just delete what we say? god this place has gone to the dogs! god all the other forums dont mind a bit of honest banter unlike this place! it used to be fun! unlike now!
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