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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. ok then avoid any where i have told you!
  2. they'll probably go one stage further and push the button! g bush said it was to counter rough states like north korea and iran? not likely there's something going on they don't want us to know! there's that russian spy that got poisoned plus the fact that russia has the monopoly on the largest gas supply in the world! the U.S took out iraq for less! g bush is a greedy !*!@# and a power freek he wants to rule the world!
  3. Monsta®


    it wasn't that classy! the car booty round the back had more class! :lol: :lol:
  4. you actually took the time to do that? yes! your not funny! and a complete !*!@# ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!what a !*!@#!!!!!111!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. tell you a good place to live the prefabs beside the oval! yes there mangy sh*** holes but the good thing is there soon to be dimolished! and the council will have to rehome you!
  6. i read some where that was going to be an old peoples home! just right for the front street of bedlington cause it's dead anyway so they'll not get disturbed much! :lol: thats all they seem to build in bedlington? what does that tell you, is there too many old people in bedlington? or is the council just a load of boring fossils? :lol:
  7. :lol: :lol: the market tavern loose customers! does it actually have any customers?
  8. is that the one that used to have saw dust on the floor?
  9. Monsta®


    amble has a boot sale sure it's not the locals selling stolen goods! :lol: :lol: or
  10. its as real as a flying elephant? how on earth did he get them hands through the sleeves on that shirt? it's make up and made up! even the magizine gives you hints, "you couldn't make it up! or it's make up!
  11. Monsta®

    Room 101

    Centipedes! bat eating ones! like on that david attenbrough show! yes pencil neck your hilarious mind! i might even laugh! not
  12. i see the russians are threating to point tha missles at us again! im ganna buy one of them fallout shelters from the last cold war just in case!
  13. Monsta®


    there suppost to be one at tynedale rugby club blyth! dont know where or when tho?
  14. avoid burnside, queen and kings road infact avoid the station, tell you were i think is quite nice the newish estate where wadies farm used to be! beside the cricket club! also avoid the top end places like the chesters and mill field oh why not try beatie road thats a nice place if your from war torn bosnia!
  15. why not could become a new craze "the alcoholic pizza" you could order the worlds best pizza "the carlsberg pizza" or for the proper alkies "a special brew" :lol:
  16. bit far though! i would rather not bother and let the butchers have a go!!!! :lol:
  17. yeah right not every one wants to drink and eat pizza's! not every one can afford to waste there hard earned money on rubbish! well not every night!
  18. Monsta®

    Room 101

    what !*!@# was i thinking of! :lol:
  19. inrelation to switching between defined css styles on a web page. and yeah it is!
  20. as i'm a bit stumped i've tried all the examples on the net but they never seem to work! anyone got any ideas?
  21. that must have been before the WDC came to power!!!
  22. it won't be missed! over priced no wonder its got to close!
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