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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. what on earth are you talking about? since when have missvic and mr darn been spy's! think ya talking cow patte there? so you going to post the rules or not? as i find it unfair that mods can break so many rules and nothing is done about it! could be a case for the DPA!!!!!!
  2. :lol: em no i don't
  3. so you know users have rules and where suppost to stick to them? do the moderators have rules? and what are they? could you post a list please?
  4. Monsta®

    Chat Box

    weve already got a chat section were we can !*!@# each other off and stuff! why do we need a wiki?
  5. are they weeds or plants?
  6. i it looks just like mine! thats made of bricks to! :lol:
  7. HA HA HA i cant stop laughing please insert in to microsoft sam text to speech for the best effect!
  8. i was close i remember me granny telling me when i was a youngin about it!
  9. i think it might be that what is now the window shop used to be a store i might be wrong but it might have been own by some one called mr blyth. am probably miles out but i know there used to be a general store there!
  10. it actually could be her look the scotsman says she's living in a council flat in a secret n.e. location! so there's hope yet!
  11. what there was actually a pub down there?
  12. well done mr darn bet you had to pull a few strings to get that! hope you don't get an itchy delete finger! honestly though well done!
  13. Monsta®

    Chat Box

    aint that a wiki?
  14. i right o it was probably some battered house wife! she heard you shouting and !*!@# her self! she probably having a nervous brake down now!!!
  15. which ones which? that both ugly as !*!@# !
  16. why dont they put some proper programms on like they used to have on like the waltons and land of the giants or lost in space and grizzly adams!
  17. the only partly unfamous person i can remember going there was tetty heeded phil mitchell! what a joke that was!
  18. thought bubbles was a gay bar!
  19. i but it not new to you! mine turned black!
  20. he even told me mother to stop moaning and shut up! now there's Courtesy form you! all she want to know was what was wrong with her teeth!
  21. BAH the put out on telly these days! must be desprate for viewers? channel four just gets lower and lower! next they'll be dancing on her grave just to get the viewers! how way man harry and william said divint show it again on telly cause it will bring back all the bad memories! i wonder if the boss of channel four would show his family death scenes on telly just to get some viewers! sick sad man!
  22. your probably right more houses and flats! more money in someones pocket! screw bedlington before long cambois will have more shops than bedlington!!!!
  23. he's a proper butcher! last time i went there i got an infected gum! and was on penicillin for a week!
  24. thanks for that!
  25. i noticed the dogs but is the a set key i.e. is black for no new posts grey for new post? or what?
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