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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. sorry what i fell a sleep there! this doesn't even class as chat more like horse s***e!
  2. it's not that one that was at earsdon a week or so ago?
  3. so whos the other two? or is it all just bo*******?
  4. suicide porbably like redpath who jumped of the stakeford railway bridge!
  5. who are you taking to? explain?
  6. might as well be playing russian roulette teking that s***e!
  7. yeah learn the good kids construction skills and the bad ones can learn quick ways to get an asbo!!! or a tag or both
  8. as long as there not out of focus! or daft places like blyth!
  9. nen wonder with the price they charge! £2 a go still they dont force people on!
  10. lifes not worth living if your not going to fight for what you believe in! dont want to be another pc robot!
  11. if i had to choose one it would probably be the one at the station! but i would rather go else where! like china toon al yee can eat buffee!
  12. exactly legitimate and more to the point my own view! so can i have back? doubt it!
  13. i know i said i liked bens but honestly dont go it's a rat shack! i only said that to try and get a convo going!!!!
  14. wey looks like it's flying through the woods endangering peoples lives while being chased by the coppa choppa!
  15. has ring wing and left wing got anything to do with Kentucky fried chicken?
  16. maybe i should have named the topic race hate !*!@#! cause it's all that happens round here! i asked a simple question and i get the CK and his motley crew jumping on the pc band wagon! i tell you i love chinese people tha crazy! did you watch that cooking in the danger zone? kung fu fast food place mental they greet every customer as they walk in.
  17. yeah or harness that dark matter that was on horizon but why would they do that? they still got coal, gas and oil to plunder yet, then theres nuclear! if it's not poisonous to the earth or they can make a quick profit they aren't interested!
  18. you could make them sign a waiver or something so if they broke there neck your not liable! and it would give the st johns ambulance some where to practice!!!!!
  19. nah the currents to small and it would quickly become entangled with fishing line and sinkers :lol: not to mention the rubbish that floats down the river! they've still got to build these new windmills yet! and i thought they were going to build a new power station?
  20. could you not just rent a field of a farmer? charge £2 a day and let the kids build there own track? its what they do up scotland for the mountain bikers! so why couldn't they do it here!
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