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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. am all up for a new power station! new jobs plus i kinda miss the old one! those chimneys said you were home!
  2. i think she meant "he sucks !*!@#!" :lol:
  3. sorry there DICKtionary dave! :lol:
  4. nice one! all we need now is to get the locals on here to join! :lol: let the games begin! satisfied!
  5. It's ok he wont be there for long! and the fn conservatives will take over and ruin the country. what we need is a proper party who can do the job properly! like the ??? dont think there is such a party! but a bet the BNP would have a good go!
  8. why people get so upset cause ashington gets more than bedlington! is it not obvious why they get more! cause there !*!@# scary thats why! have you walked down the front street lately my god it's like silent hill or something!
  9. they got one thing incommon there both ugly as !*!@# :lol:
  10. very sporting of you sir!
  11. that maybe true but it doesn't explain the snail like speed I'm getting! is every one in bedlington on eclipse like? no i think its a problem at the exchange!
  12. what like frodo baggins and gandalph the tartan!
  13. its that bt exchange me phone be screwed since they upgraded it! but it seems to work when the engineers come out! fn typical
  14. so whats the problem with ashington anyway! i was born there! in good old ashington hospital so it cant be that bad?
  15. quick question! is anyone else experiencing really slow internet speeds? it's supposed to be 8meg more like 56k
  16. someone must know what the shop is going to be? any one heard out more about the proposed game shop? or was he just taking the !*!@#
  17. i bet if the treasury was to announce is was skint! they'd desert like a rat of a sinking ship!!!
  18. your being a bit to optimistic there now! :lol:
  19. anything today related to immigrants makes mp's and other ranked people !*!@# there sells! and thats a fact. it's about time someone stood up and said all people are equal and this discrimination !*!@# will stop now. it dont matter what colour your skin is you got no more right than the next! and lets be like the Australians and put a stop to immigrants! as theres no room at the inn!
  20. i he spat his dummy like neck did!
  21. necks favorite hang out! he likes a nice buff and a gloss finish!
  22. i think it's in the same folder as the leisure center and the rest of the "proposed" bedlington schemes! we've got more chance of being hit by a meteorite than wansbeck council pulling there finger out!
  23. that for the church it symbolizes ever lasting life! or something!
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