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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. all i can say is magic! pure magic this has cheered me up no end! yes you need to pick up your dummy!
  2. your welcome any more technical questions just ask!
  3. money hungry developers after a quick profit! bet there built to last till the developers have left the country!!!! :lol:
  4. hidden agenda? they've only one agenda to get Britain back on its feet and stop all the money hungry immigrants from taking over!
  5. Monsta®


    nor never read that one!
  6. bedlington is becoming lego land stage 2
  7. crap what you mean crap? he guide us through the second world war were we where close to defeat. if it was not for the likes of churchill, monty, and the yanks you would all be speaking german right now! now shut the hell up! pete is right he was a damn fine pm and one the top britons of all time!
  8. one question these heroes so to speak from the bible, such as jesus, samson and the like! why do they allways have to die for pointless reasons. i mean would jesus not have made more of a point by smiting the romans? he would have made more of an impact in my view "thunder bolts of lightning" and all that so of stuff like that arc angel one!
  9. right on! every ones got there own beliefs and there entitled to them! it's when they try to lay them on people or use them to do act of evil thats just plan wrong!
  10. so who are you colonel? it's ether spoilt brat or terry f*ckwit! :lol:
  11. Monsta®


    tom clancy's rainbow six vegas "fantastic"!
  12. since when did they have cranes in jesus's day? bob the disciple can he bless it no he cant cause his heads to big and he's made out of plaster scene!!! i like the one were they go looking for the golden fleece! what's it called "clash of the titans!" or "jason and the argonaughts" jesus was a !*!@# any way! why didn't he fight the romans instead of just letting them kill him! what a girl! :lol:
  13. Well there go's that then! bet its flats or sumit! like at the station
  14. i heard jack the ripper, ronnie biggs, the kray twins and Santy clause move in to burnside! :lol:
  15. you got a stutter or something?
  16. someone told me they caught some one and give him a fine! so whats going on?
  17. they not got insurance! if not how they still open?
  18. thats not true! he does exist! so who's that in eldon square at crimbo time and at metro centre and manor walks and every where else! if he didn't have a magic sledge how could he be in all these places at the same time?
  19. i "lucy in the sky with diamonds" what symptoms is on!
  20. it's probably your boot sequence! you need to change it so the disk drive has priority that will make it boot from the cd instead of your hard drive! you need to enter the bios settings to alter this!
  21. just use your loaf! it's for a bedlington site not ICI chemicals
  22. e-learning ? apart from that I'm mystified! and ones open source!
  23. naa couldn't see that working this day and age!
  24. tommy tait is that him who's got that ice cream van?
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