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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. is that not against the law? fly postering stuff!
  2. sorry but what planet are you on! and when has methylbenzene represented bedlington? :blink:
  3. my mistake! it is the market cross!
  4. what about the percy, the clayton (fight club), or the social clubs! or even the bank top or the terrier! but of course if its not the front street its not worth mentioning!
  5. how shameful is that! the market tavern my god that place is the pits! it's not exactly the carling academy! :lol: they haven't even fixed the windows from new years! skin flints! :lol:
  6. i thought the market cross was the one beside the undertakers? i was on about the needle out side Gregg's!
  7. what you only got one eye?
  8. what people fetched you your pint! what right to the table?
  9. so what position is bedlington in then?
  10. so do you abuse colonel then? is that why he's been quiet! cause you've lock him in his bedroom! :lol: have you got a pet name for him yet?
  11. yeah especially with the size of those naan breads!!
  12. the stadium of !*!@# went a light!! :lol: but they still got back in the prem! sunderland should be removed from england permanently!!! it should get aid as it's a third world country!
  13. the thing i think of when i think of bedlington is the market place needle thing! but thats just me!
  14. 26 houses! not mean 26 sardine tins!! is bedlington competing for the title of lego land Britain!
  15. i take this is me your talking about? what drugs are you taking to come out with such weird conceptions? yeah your seriously screwed pal I'd go see a doctor if i were you! :blink:
  16. i think thats why he's called wally (they couldn't call him !*!@# makem scum) less offensive!!! :lol:
  17. sorry got that wrong!
  18. a bit like harry potter crossed with Dennis the menace!( thin specky and wears a stripy jumper)
  19. it kind of go with the new site colour scheme :lol:
  20. probably madigan!!!! :lol:
  21. Look fine! reminds me of a web site i made! banner is clear and easy to read while not looking dated. layout works very well and i am glad you scrapped that background!!
  22. watch it clap symptoms or Colonel clunk may be reading these!!! and they divint like peeple hoo cannit spell!
  23. just as well then! probably would have started another argument about spelling and grammar! only cause they got nothing better to talk about!
  24. there's been nothing more said about it! ps cheers for the correction in the title!!!!
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