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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. is it there bank accounts one got 3g and the others got 4g? !!! then 4g disappeared and now 3g is called 7g!
  2. wait for me other one! now there's a shocker! and no it's not stinky skidmark
  3. police down the woods after the local chavas on scooters no doubt! look forward to seeing the photo's!
  4. i bet colonel knowledge and symptoms are one and the same!
  5. ok i was chester draws and ????? tell you later when some of the others have owned up! why chester draws just playing around i guess!
  6. here I'll own up to my alter ego if the others do! so come on divint be chicken and let the cat out the bag! (cruelty doesn't pay)
  7. is there actually a good pub in bedlington? the terrier
  8. or Mario paint "the all powerful text tool" *off to st Georges cause i cant stop laughing*
  9. if you ban every one with multiple accounts haha you'll basically ban every one! cause they've all got them haven't they!
  10. that discrimination that is! I shall be seeking legal advice! you all shout on about the "shallow minded" but are you not being Hippocrates yourself! yes people on here air there views about coloured people and immigrants but is this not a country that promotes free speech? so lets hear every ones views no matter how racist they may be! it adds to the spice of life
  11. would you Sell your soul to Satan for chocolate? but they get one way or another any way!
  12. I remember him now! he used to own that shop at the station used to be a fruit shop!
  13. it probably is true! some body told me they had seen a map showing future district borders and bedlington was inside the district of Blyth Valley council!
  14. i know blyth is the smack head central! but blythers do get there houses done up by there council! combi boilers and stuff! wansbeck gives you seats and bus shelters!! and janus the art down the woods!
  15. theres been a lot of dos attacks lately!
  16. thats not him who had the fruit and veg place behind ian bells?
  17. the only thing is, it only up to24meg! does that mean it not guaranteed! and it not cheap either 24.99 for unlimited (only option worth taking) think I'll wait for the competition to catch up!!!
  18. can anyone remember pop's mobile shop?
  19. i hear that shop beside moby dicks does a good shag! or there's always walter walls!!!!
  20. To right! and i don't even think he would have what it takes to be come a colonel! so it must be private !*!@# for brains!!
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