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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. Tesco might just pull their finger out now!

    Though on saying that found out today that Tesco are being held back by cooncil red tape for their planned expansion and that they do not own the car park. Another obstacle in their way is vulcan place garage(Practical) on where they will park their vehicles if Tesco aquire the site(Millne car park)they have a deal to park there, but the biggest stumbling block seems to be Greggs! Apparently they have a one hundred year lease on their property and are refusing to move even though Tesco have offered to incorperate a unit for them within Tesco's new shop! The derelict land at the side of Tesco was to be a petrol station more red tape from said cooncil. Also they have not applied for planning permission for a superstore on Coopies Lane.

    Back to netto's if there is to be an expansion by Asda then the only way is UP :D

  2. I disagree, of course it looks like in the end it all went tits up with this government, however the NHS is better, the wages are better, the standard of living for everyone went up, its all well and good looking at it now and saying , oooh, its all gone wrong. It did , but not just for us. Every other country except Australia has been hit, and blaming Gordon Brown for it all is up to you, but your just venting on the poor !*!@# who happened to be at the wheel when it all went off. John Major however did !*!@# all, as far as i am aware. His "Peoples Charter " anyone remember that ? No. This new lot, it doesnt matter who it was, the cuts are coming, so get ready cos its gonna be harsh, and for some more than others, as the tories will soon show you.

    Yes the working and non working class, we are about to be dumped on from a great height!

  3. Debra in my experience phone calls and e-mails get you no where. I've always found a good old fashioned face to face slanging match in the middle of the shop in front of other customers usually gets you what you want! No swearing mind as you'll find yourself in steel bracelets quick sharp :blink:

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  4. Someone enlighten me - who, or what, is The Real Renegade??

    Real Radio (century) He leaves clues on twitter, facebook and on the radio as to where he is and you have to try and find him. He has a bounty on his head ranging from 1k to 5k which you get if you find him. You have to say these words as well 'Are you the real radio renegade' any variation of these words and he will say 'NO' He has caused chaos across the NE over the last fortnight

  5. Wonky I'll give you this lad 'ya a trier'lol. An chewy baccy jesus h christ I'd forgotten all about that. These liquorice things are doing my heed in! I GOTTA KNOW!

    Ya Ni.g.ga boy ciggies would be absolute class now, can you imagine, can you actually imagine what would happen now LMFAO I tell you what I got, I got two Robertson Jam GOLLY W.O.G badges an wear them with pride :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    The rigmarole you gotta go thru to get words on here and here's me thinking we live in a FREE country with FREEDOM OF SPEECH :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  6. It makes me weep with what I see at SITA household waste sites. I used to run The Sisters Site at Widdrington under Northumbria Waste Management and it makes my blood boil with what is happening on these sites now, especially in a recycling environment that is rammed down our throats. I used to PAY NWM a monthly tender for the rights to every thing on the tip and the skips,and believe you me everything that could be recycled WAS. I wasn't on a wage and I was paying them! Now with SITA there are on average 5 people ON A WAGE per site with their average recycling percentage at 40%.And people wonder why they are having to pay for services!

    Here is another example of cooncil waste! While I was Responsible for stopping trade waste at Widdrington, I would turn away a lot of vans which were obviously trade, builders, land scape gardeners, fruiters, and house clearance merchants, they get away with it once or twice but you get to know who they are! Anyway once turned away they would drive up to layby at the entrance and dump the lot in there.Impossible to prove it was them! Only found out when leaving site so I would phone cooncil to report fly tipping, they would then hire a local private waste collector at a rate of £100 per hour to retrieve waste, they would pick waste up bring it back down to the tip and dump it!!!!!!! Why did I turn them away in the first place their rubbish ended up on my tip anyway to a cost of £100 per hour which ultimately I ended up paying for through council tax.I ended up costing myself money by doing my job EH! Had an idea of how to save cooncil money and asked them to cut the middle man out and let the trade waste tip anyway, it would save them paying £100 per hour for a private contractor! NOOOOO we can't do that trade waste pays us £60 per WEEK for us to collect their rubbish. EH! WHAT!

    By the way THANKYOU to the Health and Safety Executive for losing my job on said site! They banned everybody from the tips IN CASE THEY HURT THEMSELVES! Bang goes up to 95% recycling. I'll say it again these these people haven't got a !*!@# CLUE!

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  7. Sorry m8 not imps I know what those are :D

    The box was as said the size of a tab box liquorice in flavour. The sweets inside were individually wrapped in foil, again the same as the foil in a tab box. Whereas tabs are downward these were across the box and had a groove in them like chocolate.

    Don't know where I'm going with this but I got to know what the mother*****s were called :lol: :lol:

  8. Debra I know that your man works hard and is a grafter, he also has to implement the rules of the company, take the flak whereas it should be his bosses that take the flak.He is on the front line and dealing with Joe Public is no easy task! People who make the rules and regulations are found,if at all, hiding behind their desks and telephones and have no comprehension of what other people have to put up with! Well they probably do but don't give a damn because they aren't in the firing line!

    I had a go at the bin men about not picking up black bin bags off the ground, they said it was against Health and Safety, in case they hurt their backs and made a claim. Which is fair enough. So I left bag on ground and waited till they came to pick up garden waste in the bags that were on the ground. I then challenged them as to what they were doing,well they said 'We are taking the garden rubbish away.' You can guess what I said next can't you! 'But they are on the bottom and it's against Health and Safety to lift bags off the ground, considering that garden waste bags weigh a lot more than a black bin liner, if you can lift all those bags ,why can't you lift one bin liner when emptying the bins?'

    The point is, these jobsworths hiding behind their desks trying to justify their jobs don't have the brains to think things through properly. They then leave it to the hard working low paid workers on the ground to bear the brunt of the peoples wrath!

    These jobsworths also think that we cannot think for ourselves and that we are as thick as pig sh it so they can get away with anything!

  9. Went to get some garden waste bags from the cooncil today, told they aren't doing them any more. I have to get a brown bin at a cost of 20 quid! Asked how often these would be emptied 'Don't know' was the reply before asking them where the nearest lay-by was? This zoomed straight over morons head. Parting shot was 'Ye knaa ya broon bins stick em where the sun don't shine' :D

  10. Look! Clegg is the man in power at the moment. Cons and Labour will bend over backwards to give him anything he wants to get a majority to stay in power or to gain power. What a position to be in! Write your own cheque scenario. Don't do what I want.Then I'll go to the other side. Ha Ha get out of this one Brown and Cameron! Lib Dems Rool Ok. Fantastic, absolutely fantastic,you couldn't make this up in your dreams. The looks on their faces was class, absolute class, they haven't a clue what to do. You know what? Who at this minute gives a Damn? Date for next General ERECTION any body :lol: :lol: :lol:

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  11. ASK the dozzy holes that voted him in from DEADLINGTON :angry: All I hear is we vote Labour cos me dad or me grandad DID or me aunt !*!@# and uncle !*!@# DID its that pathetic :angry: not to worry it was going to take a miracle anyhow :huh::rolleyes:

    Had a very interesting argument with a local labour cooncilor on Ashington high Street about MR LAVERY. Pointed out to him, Convicted football hooligan, no respect for police(due to football hooliganism charge) also his denouncement of the Labour party! His reply 'Well he was only a young boy at the time we all make mistakes! He was 21 at the time. Does a convicted murderer or a convicted paedophile get a chance to stand for parliament because 'He was only a young boy at the time' and we all make mistakes. Cooncilors reply was 'No comment'

    I wonder if John Venables stood for parliament how many votes he would get, I mean he was just a young boy at the time and after all we all make mistakes!!!!! Don't We!

    Oh and by the way Ian I hope you enjoyed your party because it will be your LAST, at least at the expense of the local working man who you supposedly stand for YOU !*!@# (*&&^%£%(_&*&%^$^*(()^%$%$&*()(^$&%^£%*&+__)&*()&*(%&%^£^"&^%*()_*(^&££&^(&^&%^&^(&^$&^%^*&%^%$&*&*(%$&&*_+_(*$£&*&)*%$"£$&*)_))%$""£%^&*(*($£$&*(()*$%$"£&*()*%^%$%$&**(&*&^$%$((&$$%&&^%&%&^&*%&*(*%$$*_)_+_+%£""$&**( WIT :lol: :lol: :lol:

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