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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. Although great news that Wetherspoons have bought The Red Lion. Cue the doom and gloom merchant,will this not sound the death knell for some of our other licensed premises? Are they already beyond help or will this be the kick up the backside that makes them buck up their ideas? I hope that we still have a varied option in drinking places to frequent in the future :D

  2. IMHO several of the players appeared to be a arrogant prima donnas who didn't give the effort they could and should have, that being said instead of tying the game 2-2 at half time they are 3-1 down this makes it a totally different game tactically.

    I would suggest the FA do as they did in 1926 and disassociate themselves from FIFA until the latest technology available is adopted, I believe FIFA need the FA (or England, Mexico and Ireland etc) more than the FA need FIFA! Take a look at Tennis, Cricket, Football and Hockey, those games have been greatly improved because of use of modern technology. :angry:

    I would suggest the FA sack themselves! Were they players? Did they ever play football? Were they football managers? They know FA about football so they need kicking out and get some ex players/managers in who know what they are on about!

    If they disassociated themselves from FIFA then FIFA would ban us from World cup/Euro tournaments, not a bad thing as it happens, we would not then have our hopes dashed every two years :lol: :lol:

    You know what made my world cup? That smug smile wiped off Platini's frog face :D

    Back to the FA I think player sponsorship/advertising was to blame for team selection not Capello. I think he was told who had to play so that more money went into the FA from players' sponsors, because, lets face it, every man and his dog knows that Gerrard and Lampard cannot play in the same team! Also I think the players that went were not the ones that Capello wanted to take! But that's my opinion :whistle:

    And for what it's worth I think Germany(spit)will win the World Cup :(

    • Like 1
  3. It's NUFC v's SAFC the difference is it's at Slaley Hall Golf course! It's me, yes me, and NUFC legend Bob Moncur plus two other Geordies taking on Sunderland FA Cup winner Micky Horswill, Gary Rowell and two other Makems. It is 18 holes matchplay, to take place in September. I need some practice so if anyone plays golf and they need a partner.....

    I got this opportunity by winning a competition on The Legends on Real Radio, I also won hospitality passes for the final round on Sunday of the Seniors PGA Championship, held this weekend at Slaley Hall.

    This is great for me as Bob was a boyhood hero of mine and I'm chuffed to bits to have the opportunity not only to meet him but to play golf with him, am really looking forward to it and even though I'm a Geordie through and through I also look forward to meeting Micky and Gary especially when 'We put tha coals in' :lol: :lol:

  4. The bags might come from the same place but are they the same? I get my condoms from the same company but they COME in different varieties, ribbed,sensitive,super large(my favourite :lol: )(Ok I made that one up) and lots of flavours. Just because the bags come from the same manufacturer does not mean they are the same!

    Asda are pro-actively looking for more profit!

    Just supposing that EVERYONE buys these re-usable bags, and Asda replaces them FREE of charge, who's going to pick up the tab for this, I mean who is going to pay for all the replacements and don't try and tell me Asda will because if you do well you are more.........! Work it out for yourself :(

  5. That go compare advert, Christ you could never get sick of kicking that singer :lol:

    Soap powder adverts promising stain removal that they were saying they could do thirty year ago AAARRRGGGGHHHH :lol: :lol:

    Gold adverts and loan adverts with 2000%+ interest and those 'Have you had an accident' ones, yes pet you have, with your bluddy fringe :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Like 2
  6. Merlin,

    Don't know how far that is correct, as far as I know council are bending over backwards with legs akimbo to accommodate Tesco and it is only recalcitrance by Tesco holding up the deal. Tesco have already taken over the covenant on the car park, probably in order to adjust it so a 2 or 3 hour only free car park will be provided for their patrons exclusively! That leads to problems with parking for the law courts as well as VPG, not to mention anyone using that car park who works on or uses Front Street! The derelict land at the side is to be built on with shop units and offices above as part of the overall deal. Don't think there was a petrol station mentioned in the planning application?

    As for the Netto deal that might have more to do with Netto wanting to be out of the UK and ASDA not wanting to see anyone else getting hold of their shop units? The strangest fit for me is the Argos deal, wonder what business model Wallmart have in mind for those?

    Straight from the horses mouth!

  7. If I wanted to buy a bag I would bluddy buy one! It get's on my t*ts that I am harangued at the check out every time I shop at Asda. Do they follow me round asking if I would like to buy this or that? NO! So don't ask me if I want to buy a sodding bag! And as for fore-thought, none required mate they supply free bags END OF!

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