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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. I feel i have to apologise Malcolm, as you seem to have taken my post in completely the wrong way.

    I was not intending to be mocking, degrading, or sarcastic, nor was my intent to berate anyone. I was simply providing feedback in what i thought was a constructive way.

    I really do admire your attempt to inform us of this situation, i just get lost in your posts.

    Smaller chunks of information are easier for me to digest, it is just the way i'm made.

    If the posts were broken up into smaller sections, just like i am doing here, it would give me the chance to read a little, and then re-read it if it confused me at all. I can't do this if the information is contained within a big chunk of text.

    Just to further clarify, i'll give an example:

    whereas i understand what is written above, it would be easier for me to read if it were presented like this:

    See where i'm coming from?

    I apologise, i know i have no right to comment like this. How you create and post your replies is your own business.

    I just wanted to provide a bit of positive, constructive advice, and it seems to have gone horribly wrong.

    I'm sure your posts on this subject are helping others, even if they, like me, just read and do not reply, so please do not stop just because of my rantings.

    I just wish i could understand it all!

    Darnie............GOD ALMIGHTY!

    Do as I say not as I do! Jesus H Christ! :shiftyninja:

  2. Ha Ha you sound like me! No offence.

    No they don't understand because we don't exist in their eyes! I have said this many times on here 'We live in the no-go zone'. What is the 'no-go zone' you may ask? Well it is the area between the River Wansbeck and the River Blyth. Everything goes either side of these boundaries and nothing comes in between!

    Wansbeck Cooncil,Northumberland Coonty Cooncil, same as same as!

    As for the bats, its true , but nowt to do with the Cooncil but Environmental Protection Agency. Nowt that a canister of gas wouldn't put right :dribble:

    The Town Cooncil works in mysterious ways.

    The Shop I worked for on the front street wanted a sign up outside, cooncil said no,'The Front Street is a conservation area, you cannot erect signs that are not in character with the existing front street'. Along come Tesco with the same sign(different letters, of course) No problem! Eh! What! The question at the time was:- How much Tesco shoved into some shady cooncillors back pockets? :devil:

    Until Bedlington excommunicates itself from outside control, and takes control of it's own destiny we will get no where and get nothing :(

  3. Firstly keep up the good work Malcolm! Secondly.................well.........................I.......................................................um..................................don't really know how to say this..........................................................but..........................................I agree with Mr Darn. There I said it! :lol:

  4. I see a long term issue here, the roads are congested, the rich and famous don't like sitting in traffic jams with us commoners. They want the roads to themselves to go where the want when they want. Ideal solution, price all the commoners off the roads so we get on our bikes! Increase insurance premiums, diabolical petrol prices,toll roads, and congestion charges all aimed at the average working man! No loss of revenue to government or insurance companies because the rich and famous have the money to pay for the privilege of driving. They want the ordinary working man off the roads to free up the system. The Red Star of the Communist idealism doesn't seem to very far away and it makes no difference how they wrap it up!

    Madamme Guilotine seems a more and more likely solution. Up the Revolution :shiftyninja: :shiftyninja:

    • Like 2
  5. Best one I did with a local insurance company, won't give their name, but I was on a tight BUDGET :whistle: I asked for a quote with no no-claims for a 2.5lt Transit van. They said £400 full comp. I said so that'll be £140 to me then? Hows that? they said. Well I've got 65% no-claims bonus! AH! They said it doesn't work like that. Why? says me.

    Well because it just doesn't!they said. So then what's the quote for me with 65%? Well, they said, it comes out at £350 so do you want to go with that? Needless to say they were now talking to an empty seat! They are a law unto themselves and just make it up as they go along.

    I've always found it better to change insurance companies every year!

    By the way what's this got to do with buses? Don't tell me I now need insurance to travel on public transport :rofl:

  6. Doglover(That name brings some conutations to mind,never mind that's for later) you have a valid point there, in my day you went to pubs because of the quality of the beer! You always had the crack with the lads 'Ya not drinking at such an such the beers lifting'.

    You would even put up with bad attitude from the landlord/lady for a cracking pint.

    Two examples of such:-

    The Shaky(The Shakespeare Tavern, GuidePost) A !*!@# hole but the beer and crack was second to none!

    The Queens Head(GuidePost) Nelly Oliver formerly of The Blue Bell( Bedlington) THE most obnoxious landlady in the history of landladies but you still went there because she could keep beer on par if not better than The Shaky!

    Nowadays it's not the beer but which pub is in vogue at that minute. In my opinion no landlord/lady gives a damn about the quality of their beer and are more concerned with being the IN place!

    I can tell some stories about my run in's with Nellie, and an especially good one when Bill her husband was alive and Landlord. Happy memories :devil:

  7. Cheers for the info. But as a car user and abuser I do not have a clue as to the buses. All I know is that they are unreliable, never on time and full of Chavs on the way to the dole :whistle: You also wait 3hrs and 3 turn up at the same time, and they are bluddy expensive and don't go where you want them too. All in all a bluddy waste of time :lol: :lol:

  8. Was I right or was I right :lol: :lol:

    So continuing my great run of form:-

    Premier League Champions- Sunderland(spit)

    Relegation- Newcastle United

    FA Cup- Man U

    League Cup (or whatever guise it goes under now)- Chelsea

    Champions League- Chelsea

    Uefa Cup- Who gives a damn (just because I haven't a clue who's in it) :lol: :lol:

    This is why I don't bet! The twice I bet on Red Rum it got beat :| No more to be said!

  9. Who the hell was that stand in SUPER she was more ugly than Thatchers dummy on Spitting Image! In fact I thought they'd fetched Thatcher out of retirement :lol: As for costs Malcolm she really looked like she pounded the beat in her long quest for promotion....NOT. Fast Tracked nobodies with not one IOTA of nouse about the job they are supposed to be doing, she's been as near to a criminal as Gazza has been to a soft drink.

    Her wages alone would probably cover the cost of the whole operation.....a face transplant in her case :lol: :lol: :lol:

  10. Well I was wrong YET again! All the teams I picked to win the World Cup are out! Brasil, Italy, England and then Germany and here's me thinking I know summit aboot footbaal <_<

    So here's my next choice Holland! So that settles it Spain are the Champions :lol: :lol:

  11. Is he even in rothbury anymore? Surely they wud have found him by now if he was.... hes not a freakin ninja


    There must be at least 200sq mile of desolate ground for him to hide in, it's not called 'The Death Zone' for nowt!

    He is near the Otterburn firing range according to police, so expect him to ditch the shotguns and upgrade to a Challenger Tank. :lol: :lol: OH! Just thought of something, He doesn't drive a taxi does he? :whistle:

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