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Everything posted by Merlin

  1. Tere's not enuff money in the world
  2. You are right as usual! Maybe not every supermarket,but I can't see them being taxed £600 per bay without passing, at least some of the cost,on to the consumer! 27 September 2009 £2 to park at supermarkets Nigel Nelson Supermarket shoppers will soon face a £2 charge each time they park, Tories claimed yesterday. They said small print in new legislation could see stores levelling the fee as early as December. New laws give local authorities power to tax parking at supermarkets - currently free - in the same way they charge for multi-storey car parks. That means stores could face business rates of nearly £600 on each space in their car parks - an expense Tories fear they will pass on to customers. Shadow Communities Secretary Caroline Spelman said: "I fear struggling families will be punished with new taxes as they shop. It's just another excuse to fill the black hole in the public finances." The Tories claim to have seen documents which show local authorities want to penalise out-of-town shopping malls to get people back into high streets.
  3. Sorry to disappoint you Neil but these charges are to apply to every supermarket in the country!
  4. Another dummy sails through the air eh! Monsta
  5. Sadly missed it GGGG anywhere else I might see it?
  6. According to todays papers all supermarket parking is to be taxed at £600 per bay per year! Reports are, that this will cost us £2 to park when we go shopping at Tesco,Netto etc etc. If this is the case I'm sure I can find somewhere else to park, like on the grass opposite netto's and the grass is looking tempting at Tesco's car park as well. And another thought Perry will probably be the next millionaire in Bedlington what with all the clamping that will come his way........How much is a wheel clamp by the way?
  7. Look I just want a level playing field! The point I'm making is why does it seem that some people can say what they want and no action is taken, and others can't.I give what I take, and if thats a crime then I appologise! But I cannot abide fools! Yes I can report,only as a last resort,I don't like it!I've done it tonight but believe me it galls me.We don't need it on here, but some people just can't let it go! Keep it clean, try telling your mods that! People should not be penalised for their conflicting views! I'll leave it at that.
  8. As I was saying in TOTT another post gone and I didn't even swear in that one.All I said was It was too late to start creeping. Wheres the harm in that?
  9. Merlin

    Welcome Back!

    No but I wish I was! And I really mean that folks!
  10. Got to disagree(never thought that would happen on here)loved his major films,the feel good factor kicks in.....sorry Monsta
  11. Going off your avitar I would seriously agree
  12. See some decent choice of shops, so I don't have to leave Bedlington to get what I need!
  13. Me an monsta can get called clitoris's on this site and no action is taken! Yet when we have a go back the topic is locked On your recent flyer, I failed to see that you mentioned to prospective users that unless they agreed with the mods, their posts would be deleted. Also the Mods could take the urine but, that they could not! One rule for them and one rule for us does not work.Dictatorship springs to mind as does Hitler,Stalin and the Chinese Republic.Whether you like it or not Freedom Of Speech is still allowed in this country.If you can't take it don't dish it!I'm quite happy to take the flak,as long as the same rules apply to every single one of us! As for the record for spitting dummies out well that goes to............... Best not said eh! Oh! And by the way this really is a good site,and any newbies reading this just take no notice of me I'm just having a rant...............but take heed you have been warned..........Agree or not to agree that is the question
  14. My deepest sympathy to allan's family. RIP Allan.
  15. Merlin

    Welcome Back!

    Daaarnie!Daaarnie!Daaarnie!You know I don't mean it
  16. Brian I hope you have great time,don't know how long you've been away but you must be looking forward to coming back! Good times to you and yours.
  17. Carpet shop behind Tesco has got the Lion,council are blocking plans to lower windows to ground level! Is The Lion not a listed building? Is The Lion part of the Front Street conservation area that regulates changes to the frontage of buildings?
  18. WTF. Wheres your post gone Monsta. Are we living in a Facsist state!
  19. No chance! The speed they workin they not be finished til next summer! Watched this bloke lay one brick(those big white ones they puttin round the black wall)it was all skew wiff to the eye but he still put his level on to make sure,yes sure enuff it was skew wiff,time to sit down for a tab and contemplate what to do next! I exit the scene of activity to see what I can lift from Tesco's,after half an hour decide there's nowt to lift so vacate the premises,sure enuff he's still there lookin at this brick with a fag in his gob,god bless him he might still be there now It'll break his heart when they finished an Tesco dig the whole bloody lot up again to revamp their store,but !*!@# happens eh! Folks!
  20. Did the mooses attack him like
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