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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. I`ve heard of them but not too familiar like..are they punk/rock based?
  2. I`ve only been in The Bank Top once, it seemed a nice place. As for The Railway, i`ve never been there..is it good? What sort of things are on there?
  3. So all`s well in the celeb front then..who`d have thought it eh? Apart from me
  4. Well, it looks like `Manuel` is set to join Coronation Street All that bother didn`t do him any harm did it? Suprise suprise.. i`m just waiting on the trollop joining `Celebrity Big Brother` now.
  5. If the optics are classed as stock then they`ve took the stock..coz it`s totally bare in there now
  6. Cympil, roving reporter for Bedlington,signing out
  7. Well the removal vans were busy today, looks like that`s the back of him for good..hopefully
  8. I can`t imagine anyone taking the test. I wonder who`s bright idea that was?
  9. Still on the subject of the Red Lion, did anyone take THIS OFFER up? Thought not
  10. Wetherspoons is supposed to be still interested, although i`ve heard this a thousand times and nothing came of it.
  11. Thought you`d never ask The manager got took away in hand-cuffs for robbing the takings and as far as i know, the Red Lion is now up for sale.
  12. A bit late but Happy Birthday to you all
  13. So in other words..it`s not really coffee, just chemicals and E numbers? And yes Pete. i vaguely remember Camp coffee..and of what i remember it, it tasted disgusting, but at the end of the day, someone must like it coz it`s still for sale in the shops..why i don`t know
  14. Health and Happiness is enough for me
  15. Another 30 minutes and it`ll be 2009! Doesn`t time fly by? All the best to you all, hope you have a happy,healthy New Year
  16. Thanks, if what you`re saying is correct, it means i had an engineer at my home underfalse pretences of reading my meter..but it turns out he actually added debt to it then changed the weekly payment amount to £10..I knew at the time he was taking a long time just reading my meter, i knew he was up to no good. Solicitors next then.
  17. Can someone explain something When you have a pre-payment meter in, is it read like a normal meter? If so, why is it read? Also, if you are paying debt off a pre-payment meter, say at £3 a week, can the electricity supplier change that weekly payment to £10 a week without notice? Also, does the above need an engineer to visit your home or can it be done remotely?
  18. The coffee floats coz its not real coffee, it`s polysterene
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