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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. erm...hi pru. Welcome to the forum! It`s not normally this quiet, it`ll pick up soon
  2. Aye, where`s Missvic and CK? No Pete or Denzel..i`m wondering..are they all on AOL? Lot of problems at the mo with it.. Anyway, it`s too quiet!
  3. Isn`t it quiet in here the last week or two? I know it goes through its quiet patches but this patch has lasted longer than usual Has no-one got anything to talk about?
  4. Or she got her leg caught in Sir Bobs Rat Trap
  5. Well, i had to get someone to show me earlier, but i know you have to use the print screen button on the keyboard, then i had to use paint shop and then paste it onto there?? You far better wait on Mr Darn i think
  6. 45 again! got a few hole in ones though
  7. After another 8 attempts..my score is now 45
  8. I enjoyed that.. My total score was 68 and i got a hole in one on number 10
  9. I`ve seen it once or twice but i`ve never noticed him kissing the fish There`s some strange men about
  10. Yibbida Yibbida?? :lol:
  11. The only story i heard was a police motorbike knocked her over when he was responding to a 999..she could be lying again though..
  12. Have i missed a birthday? Happy Belated Birthday To You!!!!
  13. He must be to marry that drag-queen
  14. I care..if any of the Royals have been up to no good, i want them named and shamed It`s like that time that Prince Charles had been caught in the act with a member of his male staff, (snigger) that was hushed up pretty quick! The whole lot of them are dodgy i think..
  15. Two men are walking down the road and see a dog licking its testicles. The first man says: "Gee, I wish I could do that." The second man replies: "Better pet him first. He might bite." :lol: I decided to change my joke because the other one was just too bad!
  16. Talk Talk has took over AOL i think..so don`t touch it with a bargepole! It`s took me half an hour to write two messages on here with it
  17. all i can say is..i bet you`ve had a few good hidings in your time..that`s why you have the views that you do..they`ve been brayed into you
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