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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. i just want one not two man Sausage E
  2. According to one of these adverts,smoking can give immediate relief from Asthma and coughs HERE
  3. :lol: Speaking of ferrets,i know someone that has a ferret,it`s very tame and it even goes out for walks on a leader,it plays with his other two dogs as if it was a dog itself..it`s crackers
  4. Cympil


    Right..i went up to that practice thingy at Morpeth where you learn to play golf and i was chuffed because 100 or so yards away there is two little goal post things where you try an put your ball after you hit it..anyway,after trying to hit the ball a few times (totally knacking my wrists in the process) i managed to yark the ball straight into the net So now i can play golf
  5. Back to the game...No..i`m a Lady If you won the lottery,what is the first thing you would buy?
  6. I see a link here..were you giving mouth to mouth to a dog in the dark
  7. Strapped up? Do you mean in a straight jacket
  8. I`ve noticed Pete hasn`t left a post for a while,i hope he`s okay He might just be getting over the trauma of Sandy Bay like
  9. :lol: You couldn`t resist could you
  10. Well i think 3G must be doing something with it then..wonder if he`s sorting the gallery bit for uploading your videos?
  11. If he had looked like that i would have ran home for me camera
  12. Wey,it just looked like a woman from the back,but when he turned round the face looked a bit not right,so i looked straight at the hands and they were like shovels,then he was on the phone and there was no mistaking it..he didn`t look too bad as a wife like..i`ve seen worse.
  13. Really? That`s the first time i`ve seen a tranny in Asda,not that it matters i suppose,it takes a lot of balls to come out like that
  14. That`s a bit personal Mr Darn I`ve already cleaned the temp files,done disc clean up,ran adaware and i`ve cleared all my unused documents,deleted stuff i don`t use anymore etc then i restarted my computer to see if that would help. This is the only site i`m having bother with at the moment
  15. Oh..anyway,before i forget,i was shopping at Asda last week and i seen a tranny,it was the big hands and deep voice that gave it away.Just thought i`d share that with everyone
  16. Is this site slow on your computer? I`ve had bother on here for about 4 days now.I wonder if Threegee,is clarting aboot with the site?
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