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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. :lol: :lol: More like 100`s of rude words..the only "few" about that page is the few i haven`t even heard of
  2. Very interesting..i picked Adolf Hitler So where`s the blokies front view then
  3. Bah..it looks like a bloke in a wig..
  4. Mickey goes to the judge after speaking to him before about getting a divorce with Minney. The judge says "I'm sorry Mickey but I couldn't find grounds for divorce for being insane. Mickey looks stunned and says "I didn't say she was insane I said she was fu**ing Goofy
  5. CK..are you going through a mid-life crisis or summic?
  6. Cympil

    Mr Darn

    Aye,but he might get turned down for credit..Catalogues online are easier to get credit from
  7. Cympil

    Mr Darn

    It`s worth a go..just pick a catalogue online,say Littlewoods,pick summic small like a shirt,add it to your basket then fill in your details.You`ll know in a day or two if you`ve been accepted..then you`ll get about £700 to spend..camera sorted
  8. Cympil

    Mr Darn

    Ney wonder it was too expensive Why don`t you just get an argos card and get one that way..or out of a catalogue?
  9. Cympil

    Mr Darn

    What make was the camera what you wanted like?
  10. Cympil

    Mr Darn

    Did you get your camera for your birthday?
  11. I don`t like "sky fi" stuff..and aye..that is the way i used to pronounce it,just up till about 6 months ago
  12. I would be trying to find out who done it..i like a bit of detective work
  13. You`ve Been Framed cracks me up sometimes..the clips with the daft animals and bairns faces when they get summic to eat what they don`t like
  14. Fawlty Towers is great..Basil lashing his car with branches was hilarious
  15. Cympil

    Mr Darn

  16. Why haven`t you got the police involved.If someone was threatening my family that would be the first thing i would do..and like i said,if it`s someone off the forum well you should know who it is,how many people off here do you know personally? It can`t be anyone else,nobody else knows you or where you live! Also,one minute you`re taking this place all seriously,laying down rules and regulations,saying how you feel ashamed of what`s wrote on here etc then all of a sudden you say "It`s just a forum" ! Somethings not right here..
  17. What makes you laugh? TV wise i like to watch.. TittyBangBang Bo Selecta Little Britain Peter Kay is good.. Father Ted..I never get sick of watching that..and Takeshi`s Castle is hilarious (Japenese Show)
  18. Talk Radio? What do you mean?
  19. Here Here..Lifes too short!
  20. Good question..we need proof that the note actually exsisted..so come on Mr Darn,spill the beans
  21. Whoever it was that left the note on my car, Thankyou. It made me realise how much time i was wasting trying to create a safe environment on this forum. I really couldnt care less about idle threats on notepaper. in the line of work i used to do i was confronted with people on a daily basis that actually carried out their threats, not little children that cannot even look me in the eye. It shouldn`t take much to work out who put the note on your car and the way you`re talking,it was someone off here..someone you know personally by the sounds of it..surely you could narrow it down!
  22. I`ve found.. Blur and Alice In Chains (G 14) Sex Pistols (H 6) Guns and Roses (H 1,2,3) Beachboys ? (F 13) The Cars (G 8)
  23. Not sure..i`m not very good with films. I can see.. Face Off Ghost The Birds Superman This is gonna be hard
  24. There are 71 movie titles hidden in the picture..see how many you can find..
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