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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. Go on..it`ll be a laugh..
  2. You`ve got a point there
  3. This is me as a Manga cartoon
  4. I just had a go of this,http://morph.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk//transformer/ you just upload a photo of someone and then you can change them into a choice of different nationalities or baby,drunk,or a monkey etc..i`ve used a Robbie Williams photo to show you how it works.. Robbie as he is.. an older version monkey features Who`ll be brave enough to show their own photo?
  5. http://lifestyle.aol.co.uk/go-green/pay-as...822015609990012 Does anyone think this is a good idea? It looks like i`m going to have a few garden fires
  6. Cympil


    :lol: :lol: Ainsley Harriot on "Ready Steady Croak" if his knives don`t get you his cooking will
  7. Cympil

    Vote For Mod

    would you vote for me
  8. Canada for me too,just coz it looks nice
  9. Andy Capp and Flo? They don`t look anything like them
  10. I like all the hanging baskets they`ve got up the front street and down the fence on Glebe Road and the Top-End roundabout is in full bloom..also,i like the Cherry Blossom Trees down Church Lane.
  11. There`s plenty pro`s and cons in the pubs to start with,i wouldn`t want to be adding anymore
  12. They`re just looking back on the lives and thinking "How did it come to this?"
  13. Have i just witnessed 3g standing up for Monsta So does this mean you`ll reconsider his mod application
  14. This is a picture of the colliery houses at Netherton,haven`t found any of the store house though,but it might be of some interest to someone..
  15. All blokes have good eyes when it comes to thongs..but they`re suddenly blind if there`s dishes in the sink
  16. I think that wifes face has a Myra Hindley look about it
  17. Has anyone been to have a look at the sculpture at Newbiggin? They`re massive!
  18. Q: What do you call a French man in sandals? A: Phillipe Phillope
  19. By the look of the photo he was taking a one
  20. Aye Wey no,actually it rhymes with nanny
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