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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. It`s not a signature..am just trying to remind mesel who i am coz i can`t change me name back yet
  2. That`s old news Colonel..Latest news is that the Tranny group "The Kit Kat Dolls" have been kicked off after it was found out that 3 members of the group are hookers. Not a nice thought
  3. They`ve had to resort to nicking topics off here...i was under the impression that the other board was for stuff about Bedlington?
  4. That`s what i was thinking
  5. Happy Birthday two you`s, Happy Birthday two you`s, Happy Birthday Ewok and Dotteeeeeeee, Happy Birthday two you`s........
  6. So,as long as you hit the child on the backside and not the head,as long as you don`t leave a mark,that`s ok? Smacking and hitting are the same meaning..you are inflicting pain on another human being,whether a mark is left or not. The kid will grow up thinking it`s ok to lash out as soon as he gets in a temper..or he might turn into a school bully..picking on the smaller kids,just coz he can..after all,why wouldn`t he? He`ll of seen his dad doing it
  7. Any form of smacking is wrong..when it gets to the point of smacking,that`s when you should leave the room and calm down,coz smacking is just the parent losing their rag and lashing out.. If kids are explained things from an early age and learned whats right from wrong and what`s acceptable or unacceptable behaviour and explanations given at the time to why it is right/wrong then that is the path set for good behaviour in the future. The kids that run around screaming and working themselves are undoubtably the same kids thats never had anyone be bothered to talk to them or explain anything.They`ve probably had countless hidings too from parents who haven`t got the patience to do their job properly..and they`re the same kids that will grow up drinking cider on the street and smoking dope..anything to stop them sitting in the house with the people thats brought them up shouting and hitting them.. So, if they are shown respect, they`ll show respect back..and therefore you wouldn`t be pushed to the point of wanting to smack them..simple really.
  8. :lol: :lol: You just reminded me of the PG Tips monkeys..Cooo Eeee Mr Shifter
  9. I feel a storm brewing
  10. Oh..ok then,thanks for letting me know..now back to work..chop chop
  11. i don`t know how anyone can drink the stuff..it`s like nail varnish remover
  12. :lol: :lol: gotta disagree there though..it was the swimming pool the rest is probably right though..
  13. i`m useless at cluedo
  14. It`s a wonder you`ve not deleted it by now 3G, have you broken your delete finger or summic
  15. :lol: :lol: are you after their job Monsta?
  16. by the look on your avatars face..it looks like he`s met Barrymore too :lol: :lol:
  17. for his sake i hope it was after
  18. :lol: :lol: Who`s tampering with the posts
  19. Mongo!!! :lol: :lol: you`ll get into bother for that! Funny though
  20. I always thought he was innocent,but since he`s been arrested maybe i was wrong? Oh well,there`s a first time for everything
  21. Finally..four straight blokes going in tonight. It might get a bit more interesting now
  22. Well i`ve heard another mention of the body found at Forster Ave again today..Both the people that mentioned it live close by to where it happened..but other than that i haven`t heard anything else..
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