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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. I haven`t got a clue..i can`t remember it like that did it go on fire?
  2. Cympil

    Is It Me?

    Wey me and Mongo and Monsta and a couple of others have found a different forum to post on,so that accounts to why we don`t post much on here..as for Barlass,why don`t you ask her why she doesn`t post now? She`s often on but never leaves a post.As for you asking "Is it me?",i don`t know...not as far as i know..
  3. Anyway...if tabs were that bad for you,why the hell does the government allow shops to sell them? They don`t sell heroin over the counter do they? Yet they`re supposed to be more addictive that heroin...and they probably are! So,why are they still allowing fags to be sold? All about money..that`s what it is...
  4. a couldn`t tell ya...i nicked it off Mongo the other night and now i can`t find me school photo what i had on..and i can`t find owt that takes me fancy
  5. Infact....Fek`em....Cympil is riled noo..and Cympil isn`t riled easily
  6. They want to make their minds up...either it`s a non smoking ban or not! What message is this giving out? PC gone totally crazy!! Load of bollicks...wey stuff `em..if the cons can do it then so can i...they can take me to court
  7. So... if i break the law and end up in jail..i`ll be able to smoke in an enclosed space? Look at this.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4445252.stm
  8. What? That can`t be right...a law is a law surely?
  9. Em...wots this doing here...apart from me,nobody`s posted on this for yonks
  10. They`ll probably get their trungeons oot and give them a good yarking
  11. It might not kill them but i wouldn`t like to be sharing a cell with a mass murderer :lol:
  12. but a bet it wasn`t hungry :lol:
  13. Aye,but considering it`s lights out at nine o`clock (i think) whats gonna happen when they want a tab and they`re locked up and can`t go outside?
  14. IFCIT My mate works there and she seen a mouse running across the floor with a piece of kebab meat in its mouth! and when she first started working there,she opened the lid of the chip fryer and there was a load of maggots crawling around!! Bah
  15. Can you imagine Mongo been a scout leader? He`d have them walking on hot coals
  16. What`s gonna happen in the prisons? Are they gonna take the tabs off the prisoners? I wouldn`t like to work there that`s for certain
  17. And chip shops..not even nice ones at that
  18. My God...i just watched Jeepers Creepers..i jumped that hard that i tipped my cuppa all over me
  19. Aye..like here http://www.goofbay.com/ebay_tools.html
  20. Dunno if this has been posted before but i found this today and it`s a great site for free films and tv shows n stuff.. http://www.tv-links.co.uk/index.do/1
  21. I`m not suprised at that..considering they let bairns drive the diggers!
  22. Cympil and diggers...not a good idea :lol:
  23. I`ve been to this place before..there`s a lot of the animals just wandering around loose It`s a great day out though http://www.wildanimalpark.co.uk/
  24. Aye,it`s nice down Plessey Woods..i was there the other night. Anyone that was there would remember me,coz i was running through the clumps of midgeys holding me breath with my fingers in me lugs
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