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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. post content deleted. please do not mock the moderators of this site, their decision is final, and further discussion of other members accounts will be deleted.
  2. He`s taking the p**s,if he can stop you posting he can let you post too..he`s passing the buck..blaming other people..s**t stirring you could say..
  3. it`s only pointless coz you keep leaving pointless posts or making on your falling asleep..are the uppers not working or summic?
  4. Wey get it sorted so he can post then...i know one thing,if Mongo leaves then you can just close my account,and i know that most of you wouldn`t give a toss anyway,but i`m not stopping on a forum with mods who gan on like a bunch of bullys..
  5. Nooooo...stop here Mongo. You`re worth more than all them muppets put together
  6. I forgot about the 3 stooges
  7. Wey since you`ve missed him that much,maybe it`s time that he can post without your approval
  8. True..there`s bits and pieces of forum scattered all owa the place..
  9. I have posted one example,it could have been more if i was trying to "test your mood"..and the next time you want to use threats of warnings,i suggest you practice what you preach and use your PM to do so..
  10. So is it ok to swear as long as i "star" the word myself? for example "boll*cks"
  11. Aye..and they`re all as useless as a chocolate fireguard
  12. What`s Guidepost got to do with owt?
  13. Wey it all kicked off..all the bother started up again.There`s a few folk on here that don`t like mods acting like they`re up their own ar*e..
  14. Just think back to what happened when Missvic went on her powertrip after she was made mod
  15. Your getting very uppity Mr Darn..you`re acting like you`re on a power trip...
  16. It`s getting beyond the joke..Come back Missvic all is forgiven
  17. IFCIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!
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