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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. It`s not funny man...me Mongo has gone.....FOREVER..unless the mods have leniency..and forgive him for his sins...
  2. Aye..good idea...but i tryed that and i couldn`t think of any positive questions about Mongo it took me an hour an a half an the only question i could come up we was a) You Want Me Back (Ooo Ooo Baby)... an Sack the mods and Re-enstate my Mongo
  3. Aye...poor me...i even look forward to Depressing Daves poems I need a "Giddy Up" or two...Cympil needs her spirits lifted man..it`s a mazer man..the things you hetta do
  4. I love Mongo me...and i miss him I want Mongo to come back coz he`s funny and he`s a valued member to me
  5. Go on...you know you want to
  6. I spend my precious time sitting at this computer trying to get a conversation going,all for the sake of Bedlington.Co.Uk.I`ve been polite and calmed down and bit my tongue when needed..i`ve sacrificed my LIFE for you lot (exaggerating slightly)..and at the end of the day,what do i get in return? Nothing! Missvic is never on,neither is 3g and 4g..Mr Darn appears occasionally,only when Mongo posts..just so he can ram the fact that he` a mod down his throat and take control..CK lands when a new bit of fluff shows up..PencilNeck(who i`ve grown fond of) has a new job so he`s excused..i suppose Pete...welll...i love Pete..and where has Denzel gone? And Joe...i wuv him too....but Cympil needs some answers!! I`ve missed a few off but i look forward to their postings...even if it`s to disagree with them! Cympils life is seriously been affected by all...so where are you all? Do i have B.O or summic?
  7. I want an explanation coz i like Mongo He makes me laugh Where`s Mr Darn and Missvic anyway? I thought mods should be on more often?
  8. What job are you doing like? you`re not working for "Veet" are you
  9. And why are you so happy? There`s nowt wrong with Mongo!
  10. well that didn`t last long..where abouts are you from Sarah? Top End or Station?
  11. It must have been acid flashbacks CK..The Tavern doesn`t fix it`s windows,no point really,coz they get put our every week
  12. Necky...Where have you been?? You haven`t been on for ages
  13. Watch out Ck`s about :lol: :lol:
  14. Cympil

    Mr Darn

    What have you done with Mongo? Did i miss something? I like Mongo Me Mongo.......where are you
  15. Hi Sarah,welcome to Bedlington Forum Word of warning.....when you see the words "Giddy Up" Run for your life!! CK `s on the prowl :lol: :lol:
  16. Mr Darn,has Mongo been banned?
  17. and you`re clearly depressing
  18. Wey since most of the pubs are filled with dirty stinking wife beating drunks with pee stained pants that punch`s anything in their way,i think the safest place would be outside anyway..and at least smoking doesn`t turn folk into slurring idiotic beer bellied low lifes who think throwing their kids a quid for a bag of chips is looking after them At least the smoking ban will help close the pubs..now that would be a result
  19. So what`s the answer
  20. Wey if they don`t like the smell of the sweaty customers and stenching toilets they will have to go outside for a breath of fresh air..... :lol: :lol:
  21. Of course..The Swan http://www.theswanchoppington.co.uk/3.html
  22. The only bed and breakfast near to Bedlington what i can think of is the Anglers Arms at Sheepwash..i don`t know what sort of prices they are though.. http://www.travelpublishing.co.uk/HiddenPl...ia/NDU29880.htm
  23. Just had a look Pete,the first site i came to has a caravan for £175 in September..here`s the link.. http://www.southshields-sanddancers.co.uk/...thumberland.htm
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