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Bed. Station Secondary Modern Footy Team. 1968

Alan Lockey

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HI ! I can name EVERY player on here....except one. This photo has been passed to other people on the photo, and they cant identify the " stranger " either. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance


Edited by Alan Lockey
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You never saw them play, Malcolm! The last place you want to put that photo is in the sports section! Is there a hall of Shame section anywhere?

some of them were half decent Keith, our Frank was the county keeper. He had one or two opportunities to go pro. He played for the Police and he now trains referees.
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Rightly so Keith, I'll slap my wrist and beg forgiveness. My brother is on the photo and me and him have a dig at each other over school footy. We both played for the school team but in different years, naturally. I was a left-footer so I was always on the left wing. But I stand corrected and doff my cap to your Frank. Cheers.

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  • 4 years later...
On 6/24/2012 at 23:12, Alan Lockey said:

HI ! I can name EVERY player on here....except one. This photo has been passed to other people on the photo, and they cant identify the " stranger " either. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance

A AL footy team.JPG

Missing name identified by - Alan Dickson =  Kenneth Neal ,lived Office Row ,Barrington.

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