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Happy Birthday Foxy

Adam Hogg

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Well Thank you all for the kind wishes,



   I'm now fifty five plus V.A.T. and the Party at Atlee Park was a real surprise :) Didn't think I was that popular!! :devil: 


Seriously, here's a pic of the Big Event, I'm sure Vic, Canny Lass and co who don't get the chance to see the Town as often as us locals  like to have a peep now and again.


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Actually Canny lass…

I have been working on getting a new footpath down into Attlee Park because the pedestrian access at the moment is not only stupid but downright dangerous! Having to step out into the roadway to get around the houses at the top of the bank..???? Flipping heck!

Anyway the Town Council have backed the idea financially but we have just applied for grant funding to cover the cost to save ratepayers if possible.

Whatever happens there will soon be a new footpath down into Attlee Park so pedestrians can access it safely.

As you walk down this new path which will be cut into the bank at the side of and behind the old toilet block there will be 3 'Terrier Seats' spaced to offer respite to anyone walking up or down and the views will be fantastic too!

We got the bandstand done now we just need to get people there safely then we can really start to push that area as an outside performing venue.

(Especially if we can pull off a permanent electrical supply!)

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That's excellent news Malcolm. Must admit this was the first time I've seen the refurbished bandstand up close, was impressed, especially like the way the ground has been built up level to it. Great work and a truly usable venue.

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