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Malcolm Robinson

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As most things we post are our memories, that are often shared by other members, any project could not be about the schools, the pits, Puddler's Raw, Hair Pin Bend or even the Bedlingto terrier.

Surely the only subject, that we have many facts (and loads of assumptions as well) would have to be the Iron Works and everything that was associated with it and then what came out of it. I am not a historian, never delved into the history of the town, but I would assume that there are not enough facts on any other subject to warrant pouring funds into promoting theories. What has been written in the past about the Iron works etc. plus what our current historians have researched could be brought together along with iconic images of the past.

If only the funds, and vision, were there to rebuild the iron works and associated industries, in conjunction with all other projects etc. in the area associated with George Stevenson, Sir Daniel Gooch etc.

The area around the Furnace Bank and river Blyth where it all took place is still available. 

post-3031-0-56287500-1403437340_thumb.jp   post-3031-0-27015900-1403437348_thumb.jp


Am I now going off into a fantasy world? Would the National Lottery give funds to help rebuild?



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Last week two people stopped me in the car park behind Tesco's and asked where they should go for the town centre!

What a dilemma!

Where could I send them!

I did try.

They had a Cross Bedlington Terrier and had stopped en route South well Yorkshire!

What should I have said!

The Church

Market Cross

Daniel Gooch

Railways but then no evidence of our rich history in the town itself.

Quite a few eyesores to skip past.

Sadly this is the same dilemma for any project.

We have an amazing wide Main Street but what do we do with the problem areas.

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...what people think about when they think about Bedlington. I.E. What is the iconic image for Bedlington or better yet what are the iconic images for Bedlington.


Dr Trotter's Memorial has always been pretty iconic for me.  That was until the ido.. err.. "planners" decided to - quite literally - marginalise it.  When you glimpsed it you always knew you were back.  Something of the character of The Albert Memorial don't you think?  Bet those metro's copied it - along with our other innovations! ;)  That everyone chipped in to fund it in those austere times says something about the sense of community then.  Try getting up a public sub today - oh, we did?! :D


That it couldn't have been readily incorporated in the roundabout scheme as-is was pretty much of a farce.  Come to think of it all the mass council vandalism of the 1960's was all pretty much of a farce.


You could say the Dr Pit Head and winding gear, but it was indistinct from other places nearby.  The ironworks would have nailed it of course, but there we are back to state-sponsored farces again. :)

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I would say if I was asked what are the first things that come to mind when someone says Bedlington I would say Terrier and Station.

I also think most people would think that if they knew very little to nothing about the town.

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Going off at a tangent a little, but I associate the town with a great bunch of very friendly people. There is still a sense of community spirit in Bedlington that is not found everywhere. The iconic image is, of course, the dog, but perhaps it's time to push some other heritage of note? The Iron Works has always fascinated me.

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The market area, in almost any direction as long as it includes the nail, towards St Cuthbert's, The Sun Inn, Top end, the shops, I have more pictures of the nail than anywhere else in Bedlington!

The railway crossing at the station is also very recognisable but the iron works must be more significant. In its state today would it be recognised!

Because of its location and available space I think an information / visitors centre at the Market place would be a great asset to the town. A photographic history of the town (and a narrative by HPW!) with maps and direction. What a fantastic community project!

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My vote would be for the Market Cross however the below postcards give an idea of what views represented Bedlington in the 1920's.

Bedlingtonian - excellent cards - pleased there are two. When I looked at the first I thought that can't be 1644!

Is there text on the back of the cards naming each picture/location? There are a couple that I can only guess the exact location.



Edited by Eggy1948
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Hi Eggy, There is nothing on the card that assists to identify each of the locations. There is a clue to the date not being 1644 on the back of the card as one was posted 16th August 1924. The images of the Market Cross, Trotters monument and the church will be familiar to most but the woodland and river scene may not be as easy to work out.

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Maybe we can enlist the help of Ashington MP Ian Lavery, today he and Senior officials from Northumberland County Council will launch a Ten Year Regeneration Programme for...............yes you guessed it Ashington.


Up to Seventy Four Million Pounds will be pumped into the Town.


If anyone can help in Identifying the MP that represents  Bedlington  we could possibly launch a joint effort to make contact and enquire if he could consider something similar for our Town   


Facts and figures from BBC LOOK NORTH.

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The results of the Bedlington in Bloom raffle.


931 D Graham.

978 Stephen Ward.

951 Heather StBs.

976 St Cuthberts.

919 Micky R.

935 Simon Tyler.

901 Forresters.

977 St Cuthberts.

940 D Graham.

941 Brenda Tonge.

Many thanks to everyone who took part your support is much appreciated.

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