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Laughing at death? Are you in Cradle of Filth or something?

We're dealing with sick minds here people.

Suffered a bad case of galloping !*!@# rot and sadly pased away.

I very much doubt it,didn`t he get his !*!@# surgically removed...or does he just sellotape it back :lol:


I seem to remember a few more posts than this?? Missvic,are you getting to be a control freak or summic, you`re deleting stuff without good reason..you deleted the "hope your next !*!@# is a hedgehog" post too..what`s that about?

Just coz you`re a vegetarian + a mod,it doesn`t mean you can delete stuff just coz you`re a animal lover, it`s getting ridiculous on here..leave the posts alone man :angry:


Think of her as our very own Big Brother incarnate. Dressed as Dusty Springfield.

Think of her as our very own Big Brother incarnate. Dressed as Dusty Springfield.

Dusty Mop more like..she`s forever wiping stuff off :lol:

I seem to remember a few more posts than this?? Missvic,are you getting to be a control freak or summic, you`re deleting stuff without good reason..you deleted the "hope your next !*!@# is a hedgehog" post too..what`s that about?

Just coz you`re a vegetarian + a mod,it doesn`t mean you can delete stuff just coz you`re a animal lover, it`s getting ridiculous on here..leave the posts alone man :angry:

She mustn't like talking about !*!@#,she removed my post about !*!@#,she must have piles :(

Guest missvic
She mustn't like talking about !*!@#,she removed my post about !*!@#,she must have piles :(

Nah, I just removed that one as it was a pile of !*!@#! ;)


I'm surprised there are any posts left as they all seem to be sht to me.

There would be nowt but tumbleweed if I was moderator.

Guest missvic
I'm surprised there are any posts left as they all seem to be sht to me.

There would be nowt but tumbleweed if I was moderator.

Go on Ms Hair... ask GGG... I'm sure he'll let you on board if you ask as you're a sensible type, and really a few things have cropped up and I don't have the time to be checking this site a dozen times a day for litigious posts!

*Note to Monsta: Sorry! I deleted one of your hilarious offerings by mistake, please take this as my apology! In my defence though, it only got binned as I was removing some of your other stuff! But sorry all the same :rolleyes:

Nah, I just removed that one as it was a pile of !*!@#! ;)

I notice you leave your own posts on..yet you`re deleting everything else.Nobody has been swearing or causing trouble,yet you choose to delete their posts..It needs to stop..You are deliberately trying to upset a few of the members here..Are you on drugs? :blink:

Guest missvic
I notice you leave your own posts on..yet you`re deleting everything else.Nobody has been swearing or causing trouble,yet you choose to delete their posts..It needs to stop..You are deliberately trying to upset a few of the members here..Are you on drugs? :blink:

I'm sure I'm not the only person who wasn't too keen on a topic on their favourite number 2's!

And really, I'm not trying to upset anyone on the omission of their posts, just not really really upset other people by their inclusion! You can't please all of the people all of the time, and all that!

Oh, and can I just point out in case you haven't noticed, defamitory comments against any users are deleted (I think)... sometimes, perhaps, before they are even noticed! You may be tough Cympil, but I'm sure Mongo and Monsta could get quite upset if they read what others were saying about them! :huh:

I'm sure I'm not the only person who wasn't too keen on a topic on their favourite number 2's!

And really, I'm not trying to upset anyone on the omission of their posts, just not really really upset other people by their inclusion! You can't please all of the people all of the time, and all that!

Oh, and can I just point out in case you haven't noticed, defamitory comments against any users are deleted (I think)... sometimes, perhaps, before they are even noticed! You may be tough Cympil, but I'm sure Mongo and Monsta could get quite upset if they read what others were saying about them! :huh:

Nowt would upset Mongo and Monsta, or me either for that matter..anything that`s said should be left!

And Aye...i am tough :D

Guest missvic
Nowt would upset Mongo and Monsta, or me either for that matter..anything that`s said should be left!

But it might wind them up and make them retaliate!

This is how war starts!

However, if some folk want offensive stuff about them removed, it's only right to remove all the personal insults! (if the whole of the rest of the internet other than the Bedlington site was working properly at this moment in time, I would now include links to recent cases where websites have been sued for making improper suggestions about people, but it's not, so for now I wont)

Anyway... We come from a town with lovely fluffy sheep-type dogs and loads of pubs... can't we all just be happy and get along?

If the townsfolk could just vent all this anger against the Perrys, little old ladies and postmen could park on double yellow lines and we could park in any pub car park we choose!

But it might wind them up and make them retaliate!

This is how war starts!

However, if some folk want offensive stuff about them removed, it's only right to remove all the personal insults! (if the whole of the rest of the INTERNET other than the Bedlington site was working properly at this moment in time, I would now include links to recent cases where websites have been sued for making improper suggestions about people, but it's not, so for now I wont)

Anyway... We come from a town with lovely fluffy sheep-type dogs and loads of pubs... can't we all just be happy and get along?

If the townsfolk could just vent all this anger against the Perry's, little old ladies and postmen could park on double yellow lines and we could park in any pub car park we choose!

miss vic you speak the truth, I'd much rather we weren't arguing...when I'm not shattered and capable of formulating a sensible post, I will. I just wanna get along.

I've had stuff removed because I have called into question other board users intelligence/parentage/reputed level of education and I can see the logic behind the moderators actions in removing it. It's not personal, I've not felt particularly like my rights have impinged upon because those are just the rules of the board I'm posting on. Learning, experience and a willingness to take people as they come has stood me in good stead so far...let's see if we can foster that kind of attitude on here...in all the boards I've been on, this has been the worst for flat out insults and general character assassination, but I refuse to give in...this is one of the places where we get to stick our head over the parapet, and at the minute it doesn't look very pretty.

Whey, it's worth a shot!


AAMOF I met Helen Savage early last year. Or rather she spotted me getting off an aeroplane near London, else I'd probably have walked straight past her. Anyway, she's more than happy with her lot despite the fact that she has made a far bit of money for the tabloid press.

A more decent person it would be had to find. The fact that her partner has stuck by her through all shows a lot of strength of character on both their parts. More strength of character than the average Sun or NOTW reader I'd guess!

Do too many people here know who Dusty Springfield was, or has there been a revival I never noticed? :)

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