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The GE Predictions Thread+


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  • Sunak will lose over 150 Tory seats on July 4th.
  • Tony Blair will resurface in some capacity (Starmer owes him, and he owns Starmer).
  • We will get a one-term Labour government that will be in total disarray within 3 years. (maybe less)
  • The Reform Party will win some seat(s) despite the huge FPTP disadvantage.
  • Sunak and his wife will decamp to the USA, tempted by some plumb position.
  • Donald Trump will practically sweep the board in the USA elections.
  • By year-end, Nigel Farage will be appointed US special ambassador to the UK, and Starmer will be forced to go through him.

Five out of seven is a win, and 7/7 would cement my pure genius! ;)

Feel free to add your own predictions.  Go on, you know you want to!  :D

BTW Trump does support Starmer already, and I think I can probably see why.

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Wow, I'd never considered there might be a FHF (female hormones factor) in this election:

Many women risk falling for Reform UK's bad boy boss Richard Tice in this election -- By Nichi Hodgson


The political data tells us that women are actually more likely to vote in general elections than men, and, as of 2017, more likely to vote for Labour than right-wing parties. But women are also twice as likely as men to be undecided about who to vote for. That means there are still some 8.5 million female votes up for grabs.

And if those women reach Election Day, untouched by the main political parties’ attempts to woo them? Then they may just vote based on their biases towards male leaders with certain dominant speech tactics and facial features - the kind of biases that favour a candidate like Reform’s Richard Tice.

Let’s face it, when it comes to good old-fashioned ‘manning up’, Tice doesn’t exactly have a lot of competition. Despite his penchant for ‘romantic comedies’ and weekly fasts, Dishy Rishi has never had the cut-through the Tory propaganda machine tried to manufacture for him.

Starmer, while well-prepped and well-presented with well-fitting specs, has all the charisma of a shared office hole puncher.

And as for Ed Davey? Isn’t he the one with the Edward Scissorhands haircut? (Nope, that was Lord Ed Vaizey but can you picture Ed Davey’s hair right now? I rest my case)

But Mr Big Dicky Tice harks back to a golden time - when women were mere housewives fantasising about owning a vacuum cleaner of their own, and political leaders were the gentleman-heroes able to promise - and then deliver - them.

So all that's really needed for Reform to take a sizeable chunk of the vote is some beautifully framed pictures of Mr T?  And.. we all doubtless thought that manifestos mattered, Nichi!

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19 hours ago, threegee said:
  • Sunak will lose over 150 Tory seats on July 4th.
  • Tony Blair will resurface in some capacity (Starmer owes him, and he owns Starmer).
  • We will get a one-term Labour government that will be in total disarray within 3 years. (maybe less)
  • The Reform Party will win some seat(s) despite the huge FPTP disadvantage.
  • Sunak and his wife will decamp to the USA, tempted by some plumb position.
  • Donald Trump will practically sweep the board in the USA elections.
  • By year-end, Nigel Farage will be appointed US special ambassador to the UK, and Starmer will be forced to go through him.

Five out of seven is a win, and 7/7 would cement my pure genius! ;)


Using your 7 predictions I go for :-

1. I will be avoiding the first 15 minutes of the start of every  BBC news  broadcast for at least the next 42 days:) 

2. Anthony Charles Lyton Blair will resurface and make Donald John Trump and Nigel Paul Farage joint executives of the Institute for Global Change to ensure the UK is flung into the depths of depression and the UK population will have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities and will sometimes feel as if life isn’t worth living.  (However I will still be singing and dancing in the rain doo be do do, do be doobe dodo,   doo be do do, do be doobe dodo doo be do do, do be doobe dodo,  .................. )

3. The congregations of all religions will swell as the UK’s population prays for Angela Rayner to be a convert to the Scottish National Party before the Labour short term government  is embarrassed by Lorna Kuenssberg Sunday morning politics show.

4. Richard James Sunley Tice will have no seats in government and will return to making millions from real estate.

5. Rishi Sunak will stay as opposition leader.

6. Donald John Trump will be sentenced to four years.  Is the White House the finest building in America or the crown jewel of the prison system (Bill Clinton 1993).

7.By the end of 2024 Sir Kier Rodney Starmer will not have communicated with Joseph Robinette Biden.


One out of seven is a win, for me, and 7/7 means I will start my own party ready for the 2028 general election:thumbsup:.

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Oh! ... I have to have a go at this.

1.  The most fragrant Kier will sweep into No10 having slaughtered the Tory scum by a monster margin - 500 seats to a rump of opposition parties.  He will be singing Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice as he goes through the black door.

2. The glorious Labour Party will sweep all the crazy SNP out of office up in chillyjockoland.

3. The devine Angela will co-ordinate the rounding-up of all those corrupt and swivel eyed Tory/Reform/Brexit nutters and house them in re-settlement centers before shipping them off to Rwanda in cuffs ... this will be broadcast during prime time on the wonderful BBC.

4.  An arrest warrant will be issued for Boris Kerfuffle Johnson for crimes against public decency.  He'll be captured in some upstairs room in a Soho knocking shop.  After a lengthy trial at the Old Bailey he'll be found guilty and sent down for a 10 stretch at the Scrubs where he'll become the 'plaything' of a brutal lifer.

5. Tony Blair should join Johnson at the Bailey but will instead spearhead Blighty's re-entry into membership of the EU.

6.  Manchester City are found guilty of all that financial naughtiness and stripped of all their silverware and relegated to the Northern Counties Sunday League.  The mighty Toon sweep all before them and cement their place as UK/Europe's top dogs.

7.  The Yankees elect Trumpet in November and he declares war on China/Russia/North Korea and the World as we know it ends.



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11 hours ago, threegee said:

So all that's really needed for Reform to take a sizeable chunk of the vote is some beautifully framed pictures of Mr T?  And.. we all doubtless thought that manifestos mattered, Nichi!

The first two lines of Nichi’s article say it all. ” What do undecided women voters want? That’s the question prickling many a Westminster wonk ahead of our July 4 election.”

Westminster wonk? Please, somebody, anybody, tell me that’s a spelling mistake and make my day!

In this erect… (sorry, must be too much FHF), election the risk is, I believe, minimal. Big Dicky’s tie is a direct no-no! Anybody needing a tie that long to point the way to his er… brain (despite his pet-name) is not going to get many female votes. They are wasting their breath, time and money with their manifestos. What we women need are womanfestos to help us decide and if we women reach Erect… (sorry, it’s that FHF thing again) Election Day, untouched by the main political parties’ attempts to woo us then we have a very efficient and reliable method for making that all important,  final decision:

Lick the index finger of the right hand, close both eyes, circle the licked finger three times in a clockwise direction at shoulder level, quickly move the finger in a downward direction until contact is made with the voting slip, open both eyes and place a cross at the point covered by the tip of the index finger. Never fails!!

Edited by Canny lass
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@Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) @Symptoms ...all of those 14 things plus:

1 Mickey Mouse will be the UK's prime minister. He'll need to have a long distance relationship with Minnie because she'll be in the Oval Office multi-tasking with housework, running the country and preparing a womanfesto for the next erec... (sorry FHF again, plus, I must take more water with my whisky) election.

2 Bedlington will receive millions from Mickey's government to prepare Bedlington for the hosting of the next winter olympics. The mascot, a giant size inflatable Bedlington Terrier will hover over the ski-slope, aka Bedlington bank, throughout the duration of the games.

3 The seats in Wetminster will be reupholstered in a high quality, waterproof, black and white striped material.

4 Included in the responsibilities and powers of the Speaker of the House of Commons is the punishment of offenders. Such punishments will now include those of a corporal nature. Wrist-slapping will no longer be curtailed to the verbal variety. Standing in a corner may also be added to the list of punishments allowed. TV-coverage will be so much more fun.

5 Black Rod will be called Red Rod and her knock should be answered by all MPs simultaneously singing a chorus of Mary Hopkin's Knock knock who's there?

6 Yorkshire puddings, having held the monopoly on the name for far too many years, will now be called Northumberland puddings.

7 Parliamentary night sittings will become night standings. That should put a stop to that mullarkey.

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21 hours ago, Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) said:

7.By the end of 2024 Sir Kier Rodney Starmer will not have communicated with Joseph Robinette Biden.

That's a close call, Eggy.  Biden will likely still be in office until early January, and there's the traditional first phone call.

"1. I will be avoiding the first 15 minutes of the start of every  BBC news  broadcast for at least the next 42 days"

Why limit it to 15 minutes and 42 days?  The BBC no longer broadcast actual news.  :)

"a giant size inflatable Bedlington Terrier will hover" -- some great ideas coming out of this thread already!

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19 hours ago, Symptoms said:

7.  The Yankees elect Trumpet in November and he declares war on China/Russia/North Korea and the World as we know it ends.

How do you rationalise the fact that despite the Deludocrats earlier siren warnings, the Trumpster was the only POTUS in modern history NOT to start a war?  Wars always start through perceived weakness - Sleepy Joe being a prime example.

You'll love this article in today's DE: My Labour chums can’t wait for Starmer to win power - here's why they’ll hate every minute


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  • 2 weeks later...

This morning's Torygraph headline: Farage wins BBC election debate, snap poll finds


A snap poll of 1,031 voters by More in Common found most thought Mr Farage won the debate, followed by Angela Rayner. Mr Farage received 25 per cent of the vote while Ms Rayner received 19 per cent...

A slightly more nuanced result from the Torygraph's own poll of 75,000 readers:


Following the debate, Telegraph columnist Sherelle Jacobs argued “Nigel Farage may just have made real inroad”, whereas writer Tom Harris suggested it was Stephen Flynn and Rhun ap Iorwerth “representing nationalists in Scotland and Wales who fared best”.

Telegraph readers also weighed in with their verdict. An exclusive Telegraph poll showed 59 per cent of over 75,000 readers thought Nigel Farage came out on top, followed by Penny Mordaunt with 17 per cent of readers’ votes. 

Many readers were impressed by the leader of Reform’s performance, arguing he was the only one who spoke sense when discussing important issues such as the state of the NHS, immigration and knife crime.

Reader M.F. argued “this has been an excellent night for Reform” with “Farage managing to get some good points across” whilst “everyone else was squabbling”.

So Tory voters prefer Reform over the imploding Tory Party by more than three to one!  Labour's recent drop in the polls illustrates that there are a good many Labour voters who will gravitate to voting against the status quo, too.  Never before in modern history has a third out-of-the-blue party been contesting second place like this.  It's only a matter of time before most voters get the message.  There's still time to change your prediction, Eggy! :D

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51 minutes ago, threegee said:

This morning's Torygraph headline: Farage wins BBC election debate, snap poll finds

A slightly more nuanced result from the Torygraph's own poll of 75,000 readers:

So Tory voters prefer Reform over the imploding Tory Party by more than three to one!  Labour's recent drop in the polls illustrates that there are a good many Labour voters who will gravitate to voting against the status quo, too.  Never before in modern history has a third out-of-the-blue party been contesting second place like this.  It's only a matter of time before most voters get the message.  There's still time to change your prediction, Eggy! :D

No change from me and I will continue to avoid any reports on what what happened in any event. :thumbsup:

As for watching live debates - I would rather play Words With Friends online :)

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For an eighth prediction in the light of what I've seen of Joe Biden this week, down here:

Joe Biden won't be allowed to continue as POTUS by his own Democratic Party. The lying media can't continue to cover for his mental state very much longer.  Quite how they get rid of him is going to be an interesting watch, and those who pull the strings are leaving it very late.  This event will come as shock news to the leftist hive mind types who blithely absorb every bit of garbage the mainstream media circulates.

No one in their right mind could contemplate Kamala Harris taking over from him (the ultimate woke job placement) so they have a really tough task in timing this.  His obvious replacement Gavin Newsom has made such a hash of California that the next Democratic candidate will likely be some relatively unknown Democratic state governor.  If they do select Newsom, it's another gift for Donald Trump, but I will leave this as just one extra prediction.  We live in interesting times! 


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I happened to catch a segment on MSNBC last night where they were slamming the New York Post coverage of Biden's visit here.  Apparently all the stuff appearing on the internet is "disinformation" too.  So - if you believe the Democrats are totally sane people - you really should disregard this!

What no one seems to have mentioned is that Joe also managed to headbutt a visibly alarmed Pope.  His absence from the local dinner was excused as due to "tiredness" but, as they've surely got him pumped up with drugs during the day, it conveniently avoided the embarrassing photos of him crashing out.  In any other theatre, they'd be charged with elder abuse.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I'm very moist at the prospect of well-deserved Toryscum wipeout.  Oh what joy!!  For the first time in decades I'll be staying up all night to witness all those Portillo moments remembering all the hurt and cruelty inflicted by those corrupt shits.  I also don't hold out much hope that things'll change much over the life of the next parliament for most of the folks in Blighty.  The rich are always insulated from the effects of crap government whilst the lives of the majority stagnate and suffering is heaped on them.  On the way to the Polling Station I hope folks remember the 14 years of fewer dentists, crumbling schools and hospitals, care workers and nurses expelled, teachers deserting in droves, pot holes everywhere, multi-million pound 'bungs' for Tory chums during Covid, insider betting on the election date, Tory sex scandals, Partygate, Grenfell, colluding with P&O to replace their staff with cheap foreign workers, allowing the Peelers to batter easy targets (black folk for example) but leaving environmental crackerjacks free to disrupt using glue and Hamas rapist/murderer apologists free to chuck red paint at Barclays and terrorise Jewish folk, a record tax burden, the hatred of 'dusky Johnnie foreigner' that seeps out of all Tory pores, Brexit blood dripping from their claws, the rotting lettuce wrecking the economy, Stop, Stop, Sym - the Bedder's server ain't big enough for all the Toryscum's crimes against the poor folk of Blighty to be listed.

As for the grinning frog face - I agree he's a natural performer (just like Boris Kerfuffle Johnson and that Austrian fella with the moustache) and probably great company down the boozer in the 1970s when everybody's pissed or doing a turn at the late Bernard Manning's Embassy Club but he's a one trick pony (or phoney), a poor man's Enoch Powell, however, if he and his rabble contributes to the destruction of the Toryscum then we should erect a monument to him on the beach at Clacton next to the sewer outfall so it gets covered in shit twice a day when the tide comes in.

Talking of that moustachioed Austrian and his infamous playbook ... we are beginning to see some of it being played out again by some sections of Reform - blame the Muslims (the Jews back in the 20s & 30s) for the Nation's ills, propose rounding them up into holding camps and then shipping them to the East (look what happened last time).  Oh, and the signing of a Ribbentrop type pact of steel with that mad Yankee dictator.  Well, at least will be able to look forward in five years time to torchlight parades and banners hung from every lamp post and building.

I just hope that most folks will see sense and vote for common decency and for the party that might, just might, improve the lives of those who've been stiffed over the last 14 years.  Vote Labour I say.

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VOTE ALF ROBENS, Was always the cry when I was younger, Working class against upper class. I don't think that is how it is these days, but rather I don't like what we have now let's see what the other party can do. When did either party follow up with election promises? Why was the party in power 14 years ago voted out? Have they changed? Who can name an honest, caring politician from any party? 

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Totally agree Vic labour belongs to London has done for years the tories run the the rich leafy town nobody cares about the rest of the country 

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15 hours ago, Symptoms said:

Well, I'm very moist at the prospect of well-deserved Toryscum wipeout.  Oh what joy!!  For the first time in decades I'll be staying up all night to witness all those Portillo moments remembering all the hurt and cruelty inflicted by those corrupt shits.  I also don't hold out much hope that things'll change much over the life of the next parliament for most of the folks in Blighty. ........................................... 

tonight I will sleep soundly, as normal, and tomorrow when I wake up everything in my household will be the same:).

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Indeed - Oh, what joy!  The exit poll at 10 o'clock last night ensured Sym could enjoy his night of gorging on crisps and Broon whilst gloating on the results as they came in.  Gone were ReeceSmog, PennyMortuary, GrantShats ... just a shame RushtiTushti & JeremyC*nt survived.  Shame the grinning Frogface got in but with just a few of his swiveleyed scragends elected elsewhere he still deserves Sym's beach statue for f*cking up the Toryscum.  Rejoice, Rejoice, and thrice Rejoice ... at least there's a chance (and it's only a chance) now for things to improve for the ordinary folks of Blighty. 

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Yes, Sym, but you forgot the prize appointment - the ever so diplomatic David Lammy as Foreign Secretary.  I'm sure he'd appreciate you sending him your most up-to-date atlas so's he can find out where all the country names he's going to encounter actually are.  :D

Sadly, the reality will dawn on you before too long: for the most part, we've simply replaced one lot of Oxford PPEs with another lot wearing different rosettes.  They are all tutored by the same bunch of globalist "liberals", have the same conformity of thought, and are entirely interchangeable.  They despise you and your kind and have no interest in anything of significance changing.

Our only chance of true salvation is actually "the grinning Frogface" and his newly elected "swiveleyed scragends" growing their base.  Remember that the original and genuine Labour Party only got two MPs at their first outing, so this is a 250% improvement.  Over the few next years we are going to see defections to Reform from all branches of the Westminster Uniparty.  It's simply a rerun of history!

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On 05/07/2024 at 17:31, Symptoms said:

at least there's a chance (and it's only a chance) now for things to improve for the ordinary folks of Blighty. 


On 04/07/2024 at 12:08, Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) said:

tomorrow when I wake up everything in my household will be the same

The General Erection is over! (No, that's not too much FHF). Actually, erection - election is not a bad analogy. The first churns out large quantities of sperm the second churns out large quantities of promises and it's only a miniscule percentage of either that ever come to fruition.

I'm afraid I gave up listening quite some time ago but, if you are wondering, I DO use my vote. Women have died to obtain it for me.

We'll soon have the American erection to cheer us up.

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