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Two-Teir Keir


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Got to say that, I agree with Elon Musk on the two-tier policing comments.  Not many weeks ago, there was video on YouTube of people in full garb parading the flags of Hamas (a proscribed terrorist organisation) past the beaming faces of met police officers.  Astonishment was expressed that zero action was being taken - others have their own examples of police inaction.  Now we are told that terrorism laws are being invoked against ordinary UK citizens.  Mark Rowley, however, dismisses any suggestion that different standards are applied to different groups out of hand.  That simply doesn't wash - but we can expect this, as Rowley is simply a puppet of a government that is astonishingly rapidly out of its depth.

Starmer could dampen all the protests by simply coming out and making a statement that his government recognises that there is a major problem, but that he needs a few months grace to tackle it.  The present Labour government was elected by barely 20% of the electorate, so he has zero mandate for any radical measures, let alone the Draconian misuse of laws designed to mitigate external threats.  When you have the confidence of so little of the citizenry, as the first priority, you really should be listening to what the people who refused to vote for you have to say, and make bold efforts to gain confidence.  Starmer is doing the exact opposite of this, and it won't end well!

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On 07/08/2024 at 15:55, threegee said:


Starmer could dampen all the protests by simply coming out and making a statement that his government recognises that there is a major problem, but that he needs a few months grace to tackle it.  

And that will result in the the Far-right thinking Sir Keir know what he is talking about and they will advise all their followers on social media to lay back and enjoy the rest of the summer/autum months until Sir Keir and his mates to sort out everything the Far-right is against:thumbsup:   

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Are you implying that Sir Keir doesn't know what he's talking about, Eggy?  I'd submit that he knows exactly what he's about, and the about is the wet-dream of all politicos: more power, more control!


I think you should maybe be using the words Far-right in quotation marks.  I will explain why a little later, as I've an urgent appointment fixing up the pushbike at the moment.

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33 minutes ago, threegee said:

Are you implying that Sir Keir doesn't know what he's talking about, Eggy? 


I think you should maybe be using the words Far-right in quotation marks.  I will explain why a little later, as I've an urgent appointment fixing up the pushbike at the moment.

I was being sarcastic:). How does anyone know what 'Far-right' lot will do next following the riots and anti-immigration protests have taken place in England, Wales and Northern Ireland since 30 July 2024 that followed a mass stabbing in Southport on 29 July, in which three children were killed.

I for one do not know, and will not attempt to speculate, what will happend next regardless of what any political party leader threatens.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

If there was any doubt that Starmer is a total and utter moron, then his speech today dispelled all uncertainty.  He sounds like a pompous headmaster who has been hilariously pranked by a group of bright types in the lower sixth, lecturing the whole school on "irresponsible behaviour"!  If that sounds rather dated, then so is 2TK's delivery!  A true leader would inspire confidence in the future, but this was a build-up to excuse certain failure.  He is - of course - going to ditch every single election promise!

I'm now believing those who claim he won't last the course of one parliament.  He'll still be blaming the Tories when the furniture van arrives, and that can't come quickly enough!  First Theresa May and then this pound-shop Tony Blair: what has our once proud country descended to?!

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On 28/08/2024 at 00:48, Vic Patterson said:

That sounds like something Mr Trump would say.

Does that make it wrong?  :D

The media has a problem with Trumpster because he mostly tells the truth, and they mostly don't these days.

Anyway, after a pointless visit to Germany to exchange platitudes with a dead-duck German chancellor, The Great Leader - in his wisdom - has now determined that outlawing people smoking outside of pubs will relieve some of the burden on the NHS.  The people who say doing something to stop the torrent of illegal immigrants into our country would be a far more practical way to reduce some of the demand are clearly very wrong here!

More than 500 migrants cross Channel for second day in a row

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Fifty odd days and that "20% of the electorate" is likely history!

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1 hour ago, threegee said:
On 27/08/2024 at 16:48, Vic Patterson said:

That sounds like something Mr Trump would say.

Does that make it wrong?  :D

The media has a problem with Trumpster because he mostly tells the truth, and they mostly don't these days.

Yes in my opinion, can you quote anything he has ever said that is the truth? You must have missed his tantrums when he was dumped! Starmer is a Saint compared to Trump.

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1 hour ago, Vic Patterson said:

Yes in my opinion, can you quote anything he has ever said that is the truth? You must have missed his tantrums when he was dumped! Starmer is a Saint compared to Trump.

Yes, he said the election was stolen:  on the night after the poll there was one and a half solid hours of sworn testimony posted on YouTube - from mostly non-partisan ordinary people - who'd witnessed a host of election abnormalities, all of these favoured the Democrats.  I watched about half of these before I had to turn in, intending to go back the next day and watch the full thing.  Guess what?  When I revisited the saved link, the video had been removed!

This - and many other things - has led me to the conclusion that we are being gaslighted by the Democrat controlled media.

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19 hours ago, Vic Patterson said:

Starmer is a Saint compared to Trump.

I don't have a problem with Starmer not being a saint.  I have a problem with him doing things which will have entirely the opposite effect to his stated aims.  He's utterly simplistic in his view of the world and not up to the job.  His unreserved support for BLM should have been a warning sign.  He would be fully at home as an apparatchik of a communist state; he's a technocrat and actually despises what he sees as an ignorant electorate.  He puts no value to the innate common sense of ordinary people.  This is why the EU holds such appeal for him: he believes every problem can be solved if it's put into the hands of technocrats and the input of the electorate minimised, or better completely ignored.

Saints are for moral guidance but make p-poor leaders!  Yes, Trump has huge personality defects, and it's understandable why many don't like him.  But there's nothing there that disqualifies him for being an excellent leader.  He's already demonstrated this in his first term, but the media have set out to systematically rubbish his achievements.  Increasing numbers of Blacks and particularly Hispanics aren't fooled by this and now support him.  The main stream media in all 'Western' countries are so dumb that they are systematically trashing whatever morsels of credibility they now have left!

If you're open-minded enough to listen to ex-Democrat RFK's recent speech, you will learn a lot about how things REALLY work.  He's a really intelligent person who still holds left-wing views (despite what the media wants you to believe) and he's totally had it with the corrupt Democratic Party and their manipulation of the system.



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Re the above posted poll results:

The British electorate 2021 (last info available) is approximately 50 000 000.  Approximately 2 500 people took part in this poll - assuming it was limited to one entry per person - so this poll represents the opinion of less that 0.005% of that electorate.

It is an extremely small percentage of the electorate who have bothered themselves to respond to this poll. That in itself says a lot about what the electorate think. Having said that, all polls – even when weighted according to age/sex/2024 GE vote, ethnicity and education level - are subject to a wide range of potential sources of error.

The same article, I believe, doesn’t paint a great picture of the Tory party either:

”More than half (53 per cent) also said they thought Labour was somewhat or very corrupt, compared with two-thirds who said the same of the Tories.

More than four in 10 believe both Labour and the Tories are “equally likely to make corrupt decisions or give senior roles to their friends and allies”. ” (The Telegraph, Nick Gutteridge, Chief Political Correspondent and Dominic Penna, Political Correspondent 29 August 2024 • 12:31am).

’A rock and a hard place’ springs readily to mind! Is it any wonder people don’t get off their backsides to go and vote.

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22 minutes ago, Canny lass said:

It is an extremely small percentage of the electorate who have bothered themselves to respond to this poll.

Why do you say that?  A polling company goes onto the streets and asks people.  They pitch it so that it's easier to get responses than brush-offs.  Actually, you can get a good statistical sample from less than a thousand people: so, two and a half thousand is a lot more than your average poll!  I take it that you don't teach statistics?

On partisanship: I'm not at all rooting for the Tory Party, but you are implying there are only two choices.  The screenshot is from the Telegraph (I should have added that). Would you give Guardian polls more credibility? ;)

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Well spoken Canny lass.

A little bit off topic but still relevant, statistics fascinate me as I'm not very good at math. What is the population v voting population ? How many voted? What was the result and how did it compare with the total popular vote? (ridings make a big difference)

Is there a site that has these statistics ? It has been shown that a good mathematician can get any results they want, a pet peeve is articles that show both numbers and percentage to distort facts to suit the writer.

Polls? Is there such a thing as an "honest" poll? bit like a mathematician , it's in the questions...


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2 hours ago, threegee said:

Why do you say that? 

Because I have the right to free speech.

2 hours ago, threegee said:

A polling company goes onto the streets and asks people. 

 More in Common, who conducted this survey, may do smaller surveys on the street but most info is collected online and often through focus groups. Read their bio.

2 hours ago, threegee said:

Actually, you can get a good statistical sample from less than a thousand people: so, two and a half thousand is a lot more than your average poll! 

I’m sure you can but knowing what amount that thousand people is representative of helps create a clearer picture of the credibility of the poll. Knowing how they were chosen is also helpful.

2 hours ago, threegee said:

I take it that you don't teach statistics?

I don’t teach statistics, or anything else, and I conclude from your description of polling anno 2024  that you don’t either. However I do still work but I leave the desk jobs to my employees. You?

2 hours ago, threegee said:

you are implying there are only two choices. 

I’m not implying anything. I’m simply quoting the article. No other parties are mentioned.

2 hours ago, threegee said:

The screenshot is from the Telegraph (I should have added that).

Interesting! I thought it might be. This screenshot is what I see when I look at The Telegraph at 18.00 GMT. No results are shown and there are now 8 342  individuals who have taken part. In other words the survey is still taking place - 972 additions in the last few hours.


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As to polls ... when I was finishing as a student back in the dim and distant I got a short job with a polling company during the 1974 General Election.  Our briefing was to go out to canvass the views of folks on the mean streets of London's West End about the worth of Labour/Tory/Libs (Wilson/Heath/Thorpe).  However, we were told only to approach certain folks identified by the way of their appearance, i.e., well-dressed elegant women and affluent looking blokes;  we were told not to approach poorer looking people or those with kids ... this was to more or less skew the findings.  As a result I've never trusted polls or those who rely on them to build their arguments.  Of course, I will always trust polls conducted for my beloved Guardian.  

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On 31/08/2024 at 16:09, Symptoms said:

we were told only to approach certain folks identified by the way of their appearance, i.e., well-dressed elegant women and affluent looking blokes;  we were told not to approach poorer looking people

Ah, but did you find out who the client was?  Maybe it was a haute couture company? :D

It's certainly a winning game for polling companies to come up with results that are far closer than the reality.  This encourages more and more polling spend.  Also - like so many other things in life - telling a customer what they want to hear is seldom bad for business.

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Thing is if symptoms went to London now he wouldn’t find any ellagant woman there now just daily mirror readers with khan at the helm lots of good reading in that paper lol 😂 

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Just now, Tonyp said:

Thing is if symptoms went to London now he wouldn’t find any ellagant woman there now just daily mirror readers with khan at the helm lots of good reading in that paper lol 😂 

Lefties always borrow money 

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