Italy could be the next country to take revenge on careerer politicos (of which the EU is the utter embodiment). The referendum on 4th December is about obscure constitutional changes, but it is being regarded as a vote on the EUphile Prime Minister and imposed EU placeman Mario Renzi. He's desperately back-pedalling on his Brussels affiliations in order to appear to be his own man, but few people are buying this.
His principal achievement so far is to get the right wing Northern League and the left-of-center Five Star movement (which supports and votes with Ukip in the EU parliament) to unite against him! Five Star still seem to cling to a belief that the EU could be reformed, but they do want out of the Eurozone double quick, and if they get control will get the support of Italy's right wing parties to scrap the Euro. This would be a huge blow for Juncker and Merkel, and a major step towards the EU exit door. The resulting recovery of the Italian economy would set an example for Spain, Portugal, Greece, etc. to follow, and start an irreversible stampede. Without them all keeping the Euro undervalued Germany will be tipped into recession, and the AfD there is sure to add to its recent gains.
This, and several other factors, means that the outlook for the EU is bleak in the extreme, and before too long there may not be any EU for crazy religious types like Tim Farron to cling to!