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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/06/17 in all areas

  1. If the "nightlife" is the cause of the vandalism then it would be good to see it curbed! Noise is not acceptable when it disturbs others, its disrespectful, vandalism isn't acceptable, ask all of those volunteers who beautify Bedlington! I hope the town centre is not relying on drunken louts for its viability.
    2 points
  2. Saturday the 10th there were a couple of people in bus stops outside a couple of the pubs - the bus stop on the corner by the Northumberland Arms had a group of girls obviously drunk who were having a heated argument and kicking / punching the bus stop in a fury. This isn't an isolated case and of course, not everyone who gets drunk acts like an idiot and in this case it's a very small minority and no way are the pubs responsible for the behaviour of their clientele. Also, vandalism isn't specifically caused by drunks. The vandalism should be targeted directly - where's the CCTV? Where are the pictures of the perpetrators in local literature? John Fox has mentioned that the CSO shift patterns stop at 10pm - it's insane, especially with a police station a stone throw away. The point I was making is that putting a purpose build care home in the middle of a high street will certainly cull whatever nightlife Bedlington has left on the high street due to noise complaints etc. and night time vandalism shall certainly go down, just as the rest of the high street will. If more development like this is given the go ahead Bedlington will be nothing more than a remote retirement community void of local trade, local restaurants and pubs - a barren wasteland where the biggest concern for the residents is when the bins are supposed to go out, it's almost managed decline. It was good news to hear about the developments going on behind front street and I can't wait for that to be complete, I can only hope it will stop Bedlington becoming the largest retirement home in the world.
    2 points
  3. Hi Pilgrim,thanks for that info,a knew aboot the opencast,but nivvor hord owt aboot thi artifacts found there!! A can mind the notice aboot thi old mine shafts in Hartford woods. There's an old mine addit alang the Free wood on the Blyth side "top path",and the rails were still visible amang the tree roots and overgrowth. We kids used to poke lang sticks inti the orange waata wat was lying aal aroond the entrance ti thi drift...pure orange it was....Ferric Oxide?[from the Iron-stone strata]....wud it have been from the old ironworks mining the ironstone maybe....or older? The waata at Choppington High Pit was very high in iron content similar to that in the woods.
    2 points
  4. If this is 'purpose built' (and built to modern standards), I doubt if the residents will hear anything at all. The idea behind having residential homes close to amenities isn't so strange. It makes it easier to keep the residents an active part of the community they live in. If it's just 50 yards to a shop, cafe or post office then many will get there under their own steam. If they need a carer with them there's more likely to be time for a 15 minute outing to buy, let's say an ice-cream, than there would be for an hour's outing from the outskirts of town. It's not such a daft idea, when you think about it.
    1 point
  5. Should be sorted now.
    1 point
  6. Thanks @Eggy1948 I'll look into it. The ordering shouldn't have changed so it may be a bug.
    1 point
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