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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/02/21 in all areas

  1. Yep - Simon posted it on the Bygone Bedlington group as 'Bedlington & Cheviots ( I added the text to his photo.) Simon is always taking photos of the town - he lives on Church Lane, across from St Cuthberts. You will have seen a couple of these before - compilation of just a few of Simon's photos that he has shared with the Bygone Bedlington members. The one in the middle was taken from outside the Red Lion - the green bus shelter on the left is the one on Front Street West at the Top End and the building underneath the tree on the right is the chemists on the corner opposite the Northumberland Arms and behind the trunk of the tree on the left is the Howard Arms.
    1 point
  2. All of the institute, including the library was situated on the top floor of the building. It was in a small alcove at the end of the institute; not where the arrow is pointing which was a private house. It was not a public library but for members of the institute, i.e. employees of the Doctor pit. The arrow should point to the area on the top floor of the building mid- way between the window to the right of the war memorial and the end of the building adjoining the house.
    1 point
  3. Regular, organized (and not so organized) events on the frozen lakes here as well. all of which are well attended. Most lakes clear a patch for amateur ice-hockey, driving schools and the police organize lessons for skid control for any driver who feels the need and most popular of all is stock car racing - sometimes dangerously close to the ice-hockey area, in my opinion. Then there's wind surfing, ice-skating (of the long distance type rather than the dancing type) when you can take yourself out to small islands with a picnic. I tend to keep myself near the edge as water below 13c degrees should not be allowed to come above the knees if the ice should break.
    1 point
  4. About -20 here until last week then up to -10 but more snow. It's been hard work this week. We also have a big problem with drifting living on a hill where the wind swirls the snow around quite a lot. The one flat roof on the premises began to sag so it was one on the roof throwing it down and one shovelling at ground level. My shoulders were beggared after a couple of hours as it was too wet and heavy for the blower. It's definitely getting a new roof this summer - of the pointed variety!
    1 point
  5. Gather in The Mushrooms - Benny Hill - 1961 (?) = "There's snow upon the roof but there's a fire in the cellar!"
    1 point
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