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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. Actually this isn't totally true. There is some intermediate processing to add the watermark.
  2. At the moment it uses mjpeg straight from the camera so the number of simultaneous connections will be limited. We're getting ready for a full site upgrade in the next few months with complete html5 support. At that point I'll probably look at encoding in some other formats and hand off the individual connections to another machine.
  3. Amazing how many people need a refresher on https://www.gov.uk/using-the-road-159-to-203/pedestrian-crossings-191-to-199
  4. You're forgetting the two big benefits to an independent Scotland. Average British rainfall will reduce and average life expectancy will increase.
  5. That's correct. The work done to the florists was not part of the heritage scheme, it was carried out between landlord and tenant and is still in progress.
  6. Yes a genuine occupancy is a different matter but even a short term license to occupy of 6 weeks has costs associated with it and as 3g states it's asking for hassle when it comes to disputes over repairs and such. An agreement still needs to be in place for these eventualities. There is absolutely nothing for a landlord to gain from a property being empty and a lot to lose. The timing and circumstances may not have been right for your potential agreement for this particular property/landlord but to say there is no incentive to respond to negotiation by landlords in general is a very one sided view in my opinion.
  7. Absolutely. It annoys me too. The text is not for the benefit of any planning decision however, it's marketing. They're just trying to sell their next project to prospective developers viewing their site. During the planning appeal (which I did attend), many of these points were argued in great detail and all vantage points were looked at and the impact any changes would have.
  8. The streetscapes are presumably the two public facing elevations. The first and second images in the link you posted. The meaning of important refers to their prominent location in the town centre and impact on the town rather than any pre-existing structure in the location. It may not have been preserved but In my opinion it has been saved. The proposed development is a massive improvement over what is there right now and what it was likely to become.
  9. This is good advice. If you work out a (realistic) fair rent by looking at the deal from both sides and show you really are determined you may be surprised what kind of a deal can be achieved. If you offer a low rent and then just sit on your hands you're likely to be seen as just another time waster. It's probably quite reassuring to a landlord when a tenant negotiates properly a rental price and is persistent. It shows that you may just be in business long enough to justify the tenancy. Contrary to popular belief not all landlords demand sky high rents. A good return on investment is what they want and a good long term reliable tenant is preferable to one paying the full asking price for 12 months. Price is not the only tool in negotiating remember.
  10. See the decision from the planning inspectorate attached. I have to echo others thoughts in this topic too. Preservation for preservation's sake does the town no good whatsoever. It is understandable that people will feel nostalgic over old buildings like this but it has no use in its current state. 59c0d895-2a5e-45c6-bcaa-1ffa92d886a7.pdf
  11. Just spotted this in the car park behind Lairds house. Doesn't seem to be working yet and there's no pricing info but I wonder who will be the first to use it and when.
  12. Thanks John and great interview Malcolm
  13. It sounds like this staff member is mistaken. My own limited company is banking with TSB in Bedlington and was originally with Lloyds.
  14. "The council did not receive any letters of objection, just letters of support." Something else to think about the next time a proposed development is fought against in this area. We can't insist on pushing the conservation argument and anti business agenda and wonder why nobody is interested in investing.
  15. Welcome aboard Chris. I sent you a PM about a possible collaboration.
  16. I found this in the loft. Bedlington Church Review from 1962. Unfortunately the front cover and inside page are very tattered and there are pages missing by the looks of it. Bedlington Church Review - Sept 1962 .pdf
  17. Same times? Is that confirmed? If you're quick I'll send an updated bulk mail and update the news story.
  18. Looks like ovo energy works out cheapest for me at nearly 11% cheaper if paid by direct debit. The first of the big guys is nPower with low customer reviews and then Scottish Power on a 10% discount to my current tariff with EDF On a related note has anybody taken up any efficiency improvements using the green deal? It seems all of the past grants are now restricted to those over 70 or in receipt of certain benefits. I could do with a loft insulation topup and am also considering cavity wall insulation but some of the scare stories are putting me off. Anybody have any direct experience with local installers?
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