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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. No but I know one that does quite nicely out of their eurofighter orders or did until they started ordering F-16s at least. Maybe that'll help persuade the yanks. $3bn I think that order is/was worth.
  2. The thing is Malcolm, after reading through the Wansbeck candidate's campaign literature it's just more of the same. The stuff is full of "We need more jobs", "I'll help tackle crime & anti-social behaviour" This is all just stuff to get people nodding their heads and is all blatantly obvious (which is obviously the point). I can't find any real evidence of anything they are actively proposing to do and I fear we are going to have another term of the area not moving forward. I say moving forward in relative terms to the rest of the country of course, maybe I should have said move less backwards.
  3. If we are going to languish as a dormitory town as is often suggested. Where are the B&Qs and Homebases?And why are we opposing housing development? It's a case of make our mind up time I think.
  4. So what are our strengths as a town? Where should we focus this development effort? Other towns are playing their cards quite well at the moment. Morpeth is taking a retail approach, Blyth an industrial and technology based one. Perhaps entertainment? Maybe the "Night time economy" as previously suggested is the way to go for this or is the lure of "The Gate" and the "Metrocentre Qube" too great?
  5. Has anybody got any old fashioned red/green 3D specs, there's a little 3D toggle now.
  6. Here's that Where's this?
  7. Somebody's been doing his homework We may or may not use md5, if I told you that I'd have to kill you. MD5 would create something along those lines yes but a more secure method would be to use SHA1 and provide a salt.
  8. +1 on that! Everything seems to be ill thought out with regards to future development. If the planning departments of old had been more focussed on that rather than the colour of shop shutters and protecting eyesores in the conservation area we would have been a lot further forward than we are. If there is so much historical significance within the conservation area then why hasn't/isn't this exploited by attempting to attract tourism to the area? So what is the plan now? Do we have one?
  9. You could start in the galleries here. http://www.bedlington.co.uk/community/gallery/category/4-places-gallery/ there's quite a lot particularly from Cympil and Carole. There's also a few on the county council website somewhere. Anybody can submit to the galleries here but they could probably do with a bit of reorganising.
  10. There is lots of land but once you get into the details a lot of it becomes unsuitable. The presentation next Thursday will show all possible sites in Bedlington and whether or not they could support a leisure centre.
  11. I think 3g's point is that there was more than one manipulator as somebody was trying to influence my point of view by giving me negative rep. I'm not sure why they were trying to manipulate a viewpoint that I'd already confirmed several posts earlier though Don't think he was suggesting you negged the post Cympil.
  12. Most dog training things I've read and trainers I've talked to advocate training your dog to go in the garden before you take them for a walk.Unfortunately a lot of owners think that is the purpose of the walk and do the opposite and bring them home as soon as they've "been".
  13. Yep, Happy Birthday, have a good one Brian.
  14. As I said I'm not a fan of the neg option either but I can see how it can have it's uses in certain situations. This not being one of them.
  15. A quick search through the members list reveals several .gov.uk email addresses so the fact they are reading is at least somewhat encouraging.
  16. Are we not already paying out for litter pickers and street cleaners? If that's the case why is the stuff still lying about and accumulating? I realise the graffiti on the seats and tyre marks are a different issue though and I agree that those causing the damage should be made responsible for their actions.
  17. What if neg was restricted to 1 a day and positive 10?
  18. I agree that is true in a lot of cases, but in my experience, of the several boards I use regularly that is not necessarily the case. It all depends on subject matter, audience and implementation. Here the negative aspect is obviously causing conflict for the reasons you mention and is very badly implemented. Look here for some more usable patterns that are designed to encourage collaboration and a more positive approach. http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/social/people/reputation/ So in summary........Failed experiment now lets move on.
  19. Bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy then isn't it. Also, Ironic that the two biggest users of negative rep historically (By a huge margin I might add) are the two that are so against it. This is such a ridiculous argument really but it's looking like it'll be removed tomorrow in any case. It possibly could have been a useful addition but I think you've made your point that it will only case animosity here. Like Mr D says it works well on other boards I am admin of but they tend to be about a common subject matter not the wide variety of topics discussed here which have the potential to flare up.
  20. Monthly meeting of the Friends of Gallagher Park Location: Bedlington Station Residents Association
  21. I think some people might be reading a little bit too much into it and perhaps making a little bit of an issue out of nothing. I don't see any disruption since it's been reintroduced and it certainly hasn't affected the level of discussion. Just don't make an issue of it and it'll be fine. That being said if most users want it removed so be it but no need to get so worked up about it. It's only a very minor aspect of the site
  22. The Friends of Gallagher Park have secured funding totalling almost £70,000 towards a regional standard competition BMX track. The good news was received from the Lottery Greener Spaces Award that a bid of almost £50,000 has been successful and work on construction of the facility at Gallagher Park, Bedlington can commence in May 2010. With local County Councillors Val Tyler and Jeff Gobin supporting the scheme with £10,000 each from their small grant budget, the funding will bring a much needed recreational facility to the people of Bedlington. George Webster, Chairman of the group, said: "I'm extremely happy our hard work and determination to see this project through has eventually yielded some funding. I'm looking forward to this first step to improve the park and help breathe new life into this green community space." PC McIntosh, Neighbourhood Beat Manager for Bedlington Station and Cambois who has supported the group in it's quest for improved facilities since 2008 said: "It's a massive boost for the local youngsters and the people who have supported the building of this facility. Gallagher Park is an ideal location to host this type of community facility which will go a long way in addressing what the youngsters have been asking for and give them somewhere to congregate away from the shopping area." The friends are already planning other additional facilities at the park and with the SusTrans Connect 2 cycle path, which links Ashington to Cramlington, set to run through the park it is hoped that it will allow people from other parts of Northumberland to easily access the facilities. The Barnesbury Cycling Club, which recently qualified as a British Cycling Go Ride club, plan to start fortnightly coaching sessions for children at the park. Chris Gray from the club said: "I hope our children's Saturday afternoon off road coaching sessions will help develop a new generation of cyclist for our club from the local area. We will be developing these sessions throughout 2010 and hope to identify anyone interested in working towards a BMX coaching qualification to enable the club to use the new facility and coach children on a regular basis. With the sport featuring in the 2012 Olympics, it is hoped that Bedlington can capitalise on the interest and publicity generated by British Cycling through a range of activities and initiatives planned for the coming months." Visit the community forums to view the plans and join the discussion. Anyone interested in either attending coaching sessions or working towards a BMX coaching qualification can contact Chris on cngray@hotmail.co.uk. Anyone interested in helping to develop the park is urged to contact the Friends of Gallagher Park at gmm.webster@talktalk.net.
  23. I'm naturally drawn to the fact that internet facilities (and technical support for non-savvy users?) will be made available. Anything that can get rid of people's fear of technology around here is a good thing as far as I'm concerned.
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