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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. Short answer is no Facebook does not support embedding of their video. Another thumbs down for why Facebook is bad for collaboration. It would be possible to hack something up but it would take a lot of time that is better spent elsewhere and may break at anytime if Facebook decide to change the way they do something. We do also support uploading of video here to the galleries as well but of course nobody would think of doing that would they For anybody that is really interested in this topic this is an interesting blog post. http://blog.mattmech...end-for-forums/ I suspect most people won't want to go into that much detail but it's OK I have so you don't have to but you should .
  2. I'm not sure if Facebook allow embedding of their videos I know youtube, vimeo, myspace, bebo do and all you have to do is wrap the link in ... [media][/media] ... tags here looking into it now.
  3. See what I mean there's now two seperate bedlington street fair groups Both link to Bedlington.co.uk though which is great.
  4. I've made it quite easy for these users. All they have to do is click the connect with facebook button and choose a display name. No need to re-enter passwords, email addresses birth dates etc. If you update your status/profile picture on Facebook they also (optionally) update here and vice versa.
  5. I think Pete and I are on the same page here. It's great for "General Interest" features and catching up with people on a one to one basis. So what we need to do is to make sure these casual users know about what we are achieving here. To a lot of people Facebook IS the internet and they know of nothing else. In the same way compuserve was at one point and then AOL.
  6. We have just the tool and it's called the "Issue Tracker". Click the link under "community" in the menu or follow this link.
  7. It's designed for one to one communication though the collaboration tools are very poor. Imagine trying to discuss the many topics that need discussing on a single facebook wall and keeping it organised. That would be fun.
  8. I think there was a Miners Picnic and then later came the street fair. Seperate events but the Miners Picnic would have had by far the greater turnout. Some of our more mature members will fill in the history.
  9. I've taken some posts out of this thread to keep it on topic. Post moved were discussing the need to use all areas of the net to drive traffic for a more focussed effort. Posts moved to "Focussed Effort"
  10. I think like stephen says, It doesn't need to be a choice. We should be using the likes of Facebook to bring in the more casual net users. To be fair Cympil brought this up a while back but we didn't give it the attention it deserved.
  11. My main point really is that it needs to be focussed. People have been talking about the poor state of the christmas lights and how there's "nothing for the kids" for the best part of a decade, it comes up in almost daily conversation. It's out there but is it listened to? No. Why not? because it wasn't focused. Tonights events came about because of a focused campaign (towards a facebook group - thanks to Sian and Luke for that)
  12. Bingo! Glad we're talking the same language again.
  13. Yes and no, just because it's out there doesn't mean it will be found. Here we can guarantee it will be! We've already done the hard work. People are listening. This isn't what we've always done. You visited this site through a link on Facebook that you probably found as a result of promotion of the Facebook group by the members of this site Totally agree, get telling them then
  14. Yes true, but we are not talking to net-savvy teenagers here with Facebook and MySpace accounts and we can't be expecting them to be darting around signing up here, there and everywhere and be able to follow the conversation. Plus here we can authenticate who individual users are and make sure official responses are actually official responses.
  15. There is already talk of a questions to the council dedicated forum.
  16. Can I make a suggestion here? Great work taking the initiative. but... We are trying to build a site here that everybody in the town can use in a focussed manner and the members have spent a lot of time convincing officials to visit here which they are now doing. It would be far better if efforts were spent encouraging people to post here rather than scattered across the web on different social networking sites. Don't worry there is no commercial interest here and it's run entirely for and by people in the town but like I said on the radio this morning we need to focus our efforts. It's no good expecting officials to listen if we don't make it easy for them.
  17. Makes perfect sense and I couldn't agree more, it's what we've been trying to convince people for years. We have the tools to make our voices heard we just need to use them. Tommy's done his bit and the town's representatives have taken notice. A few of the local councillors are already members here and have been contributing more actively in recent weeks. I've also been speaking to them about even more ways they can get involved so watch this space! Regarding a summer street fair, because of the way local government is now structured the Town Council can, and I think should, apply for additional Lottery funding for this type of thing.
  18. Funnily enough we did get hail the day we put it on.
  19. For those of you away from the town Radio Newcastle are covering it live at 5:15pm
  20. Alan Robson just mentioned it on Metro. Called him Tony though
  21. There's an official response for this on the way I'm told.
  22. Quite an old thread now but there's some info in there.
  23. Plans are already posted here I'll see if I can find them
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