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Vic Patterson

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Posts posted by Vic Patterson

  1. Having been involved with hiring for my Government department and several others many questions were not allowed, age, sex, and religion were a few, but reading resumes one could usually figure out most of the pertinent information. "name†"education†"hobbies†etc (but not always!) NONE of the questions you were asked Keith would have been permitted!


    "What can you bring to the department†we found was a great way to allow the candidate to express some of their better qualities that often were not allowed to be asked! inter personal skills, computer skills, previous employment skills, they may not be key parts of the job applied for but could be a great asset.


    I hope your interview went well Keith!


    I was once successful in a job interview as a tradesman and added to the waiting list, but during a casual conversation some of my previous experiences were mentioned (Surface Mine Rescue Instructor) I was offered a job immediately! (but I didn't take the job!)

  2. So important we don't forget Brian, yet I believe in some countries they are trying to take it out of their history books.

    The more I see the numbers, dead and injured, from all sides, the more it needs to be remembered, for every casualty how many family members were affected?


    Pity the days are gone when the instigators rode out front instead of hiding behind some desk!

  3. I first heard "Ket†when living in Bedlington, referring to something being not nice, usually cheap. I thought Kecks were a more modern slang for pants or trousers!

    Lots of words appear to be very localised depending on the industry, Morpeth farming, Bedlington/ Ashington mining, Blyth port shipbuilding. A few years ago you could easily spot were a person was from by the words and accents they used.

    Because of travel and communications people are not isolated as they were and like a mixing pot becoming more "standard†or similar, regionally and nationally! In the "old†days there wasn't much need to understand the chep in the next village never mind a different region!

  4. Hi HPW, Yes we received your reply, Wor lass says Aah can be boss until she's aall mended! says thanks.

    No we never made it past the dam, it was a long day for us going to Humford baths, towel and cossie in hand, trekking up through Blyth, Newsham and the prop yard, then through the fields, over the style and across the highway, more fields then the steppy stones, as you can guess there were lots of distractions! My first dive into the pool was my first lesson about the difference in density of sea water verses the non salty river water and it's non buoyancy! Aah thowt aah was niver cummin up!

  5. It's been a while HPW, I'll drop you a line soon.

    The things/ entertainment we got up too would fill a book! begging for five more minutes outside and a bag of chips, (gis i chip man) rhubarb and a twist of sugar, freezing fingers and snotty noses, there wasn't many overweight kids then, (more underweight I'd guess!) don't think the word "boredomâ€existed.

    If we allowed kids to do what we did how many agencies would you have after you? Family Services, Welfare, Health and Safety, Police, Fire, Life Boat etc. Life was good!

  6. I have to agree with a lot of what you say HPW, 1976 at my first interview here in Grande Cache I presented myself dressed in my suit and tie (to the great amusement of the other workers) with my brown C.V. envelope with all of my experience, references etc, I passed it over to the interviewer who didn't open it but pushed it right back saying anyone can get bits of paper tell me what you can really do! Nine years later my next interview was with the Government and I had to rephrase their questions so they made sense before I could answer them!

    I was later involved with conducting many interviews, I always put myself in the candidates chair and remembered how it felt, trying to see them through the computer generated applications.

    At school I was a poor student and didn't learn much, I later learned as I went, self taught, electrical apprentice (with no schooling), later mechanics, refrigeration and every aspect of building maintenance. I believe (early) schooling isn't a lot about what your going to do in life but more about who you are or going to be! I don't think that reads very well (told you I was a poor student!)

    I sympathise with you regarding not getting excused P.T. but look around today and see what the lack of exercise does to our children! in the big picture I think they were right!

  7. Hi Eggy, Maybe the Kino was a local name for the Plaza, I remember my mom and dad telling us about getting in for a jam jar,sitting on forms and the guy at the front playing the piano.....

    Looking up the Theatre Royal I see Stan Laurel worked and played there also Gracie Fields and Charley Chaplin.

  8. Essoldo, Wallaw, Roxy, Theatre Royal and The Central were all cinema's in Blyth, there was another cinema at Newsham, I think it was the Kinno!

    The Theater Royal was used as a theater more than a cinema, Plays, pantomimes, even circuses, almost all of the famous actors and actresses played there, Else Tanner and Ena Sharples were two of the more modern era actresses.

    "Danny Long Legs†was the opening movie at the Roxy Cinema, must have been late 50's

  9. Hi Eggy,

    My only concern was not hearing about them, after reading of a few financial issues the club news and results seamed to dry up! I was getting used to hearing of the results live on Twitter! new signings and general going on's! I think it was Neil who used to be involved with the club!

    Pleased to see they are doing well. Thank's for the link.

  10. Aye, Simple times with simple pleasures! Beatle drives, Whist drives even house decorating was a family event, wallpapering, edging the rolls, battering then hanging it etc, edging the rolls was as bad as holding the hanks of wool when mom wound it it balls!


    I can see the throw away mentality when it comes to technology, but even then it could cascade down to less fortunate, less fortunate! who is that, we used to surplus work computers to schools and other institutions etc but not any longer, they NEED the latest and best!


    "Retire your Ride†was a good program here, I got $3,000 for a car I was going to haul to the graveyard!


    You never see recycled furniture! you can't, it's made in such away you can't maintain or fix, try and find real furniture with a real wood frame with joints, nuts and bolts and screws, there nearly all staples into box wood (which does have a place in todays society)


    Precious metals and other things should be recycled from electronics, but not by sending to third world counties and killing them off!


    Some towns here have one Sunday a month when you haul useful stuff to the curb and people cruise around and you take anything you can use, then you put back anything not taken! cheap recycling!

  11. Is there a way for members to do a search of the membership list that narrows the list down to active members, using parameters such as those who have either posted or visited in the past 3, 6 or 12 months? The present list is very large and is mostly of non active even deceased members!

  12. Hi Maggie, Just wondering what the reference to breaking glass is? Sounds like there isn't a recycling program in your area and glass bottles are just collected and broken to be recycled!

    What about plastic milk bottles, beer can, beer bottles, pop cans, drinking boxes etc are they not recycled? What about paper, cardboard, fluorescent tubes, battery's, appliances and tin cans etc are they recycled or just dumped?

  13. It would appear Bernicia is a rather large development company and may not be aware of the situation (but as a development company they should be!) the newspaper publicity will have reached them and I'm sure they are considering alternative plans!

    This is an ideal opportunity to improve their PR and keep a little girl happy.    :D  Now, if only "that†local radio had been able to stay on the air they could have made sure Bernicia were informed! ;) 

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