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Vic Patterson

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Posts posted by Vic Patterson

  1. What has happened to the Bedlington Terriers (and Lord Bedlington!) I believe they had a few problems and re-organised the club, and were again quite successful.


    I used to enjoy Saturday mornings getting live Twitter game updates for Newcastle, Blyth and Bedlington.


  2. Privatisation! I was just thinking about when in the 60's when it was decided to build Motorways instead of railways, what should the government be responsible for? During a war the rules will obviously change in the interest of the security of the country as in WWI and WWII, but under normal times what should be Nationalised or regulated/ controlled? the Military of course, The Health Care System? Natural resources? Utilities? the Transportation infrastructure? What should be regionally or locally controlled?


    Here in Alberta Utilities were heavily regulated and it worked well, until our Provincial Government decided "in our best interest†to deregulate much of the system, now our utilities (especially electricity) are very expensive, the bills are formed in two parts, consumption and transmission (and written is such a way no one can interpret them!) a case of Government control that was welcome!

  3. Right on Symptoms, I haven't seen Dr Who in over 37 years but that theme tune is very distinctive! and it wouldn't need any explaining, Dr Brown (and his dog) would have to be "a guest†and a couple of old "pollis†from the Sun Inn!

  4. Just my opinion but I'd rather see the "Xmas Light Switch On†be geared around the event rather than a person!

    A little bit about the meaning of Christmas (keep it to a minimum!) with carol singing. Festive singing (there has to be a local musical group!) also a good time for charities to do their thing, food drives, coats for kids etc.

    Hot chocolate and candy canes! I like the idea from Eggy several "worthy†kids nominated from the schools or hospitals! (it can make a big step in a child's recovery)

    We used to look forward to the Xmas tree being lit in Blyth Market Square and the Sally Army band playing traditional carols, and the Nativity scene by the bus station, and hot chestnuts by Martino! (he used to convert his icecream cart too chestnuts in the winter)


  5. Great pictures! I haven't visited for quite a long time and also like the look of the place. Are any members of this forum in the pictures?

    Funny how you look at the smallest of details like the buildings, traffic, shop windows, clothes etc. The oddest details tell quite a story of the daily life around town, like the ongoing construction at the garage!

    The earlier idea of a web cam is a great idea! are there any local businesses such as electronic / computer in the area interested in providing some coverage?

    The image of the Bedlington Terrier should be used a lot more.

  6. Good point Canny Lass, I think the first and most important point would to get the cooncil to approve in principal to having an approved Miner's Memorial located in the Market Square area! not down in some remote park or un-monitored area as it would be a pity to have it vandalized!

    The location may also have a bearing on the design!

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