"I will continue my crusade to better the lot of everyone in Bedlington until my dying day, and hopefully beyond." And so you should, 3G, but perhaps a little less condescencion, or that which could be construed as such, would enable you to influence more of the flock. You implication, for example, that those who are intelligent need to watch such debates, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who read that into your comment, was never goin to inspire people to read more of your comments. I can't see many of the younger voting generation wanting to watch what was essentially a rather boring broadcast that told us very little. They may, however, be intelligent enough to work out which way they are (or are not) voting by reading the news, views and opinions of others in the daily newspapers. "I'm just an average lazy Joe with a tiny few luck breaks who, through life experience, is urging other average Joe's to stop accepting the spoon feeding of a elitist class who parasitically advances themselves by direct lies and pandering to populist myths. That's a major reason why I don't engage directly in politics myself, but that doesn't mean that I'm opting out - anything but!" That's a massive cop out, though, isn't it? Surely, to rid the system of the elitist class you refer to, it needs you, and your like, to get involved? "I think we are going to see a 75%+ turnout this time - hopefully more." I would hope so to, but we're not. It will be far, far lower as, despite views to the contrary, from my experience the average man on the street is apathetic. By the way, I don't find you smug and superior, I don't know you and am sure you are a good man, but your attitude in some comments on here. I read your comments as you are clearly an intelligent, free thinking person - as you explain - who is passionate about the cause at hand, but sometimes I cringe. I guess we all do the same with each other.