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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Bliddy hell am glad I am not veggie, fermented fungus sounds like rotten mushrooms
  2. Championship here we come and League 1 and league 2, four years time we will be in the same league as Bedlington Terriers Well done Mr arsley
  3. No thanks Monsta I like me steaks, has to be the real thing.
  4. Is that really a TV program?
  5. Oh mind you theres plenty of coows in the fields so I suppose the Green party would exterminate them, there goes my steak.
  6. I snifft it once Merlin it nearly knoked me on my back, mind I was young and daft, not young anymore.
  7. Would the Green party allow horses or would there dropings add to global warming?
  8. So does Brasso but I would not recomend it.
  9. You got that one right Fourgee but theres even better according to the news today, the present manager says its all KK's fault because he did not buy the players to get the strength in depth correct. I think he must be looking at Mr Arsely through rose tinted glasses.
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