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Everything posted by Pete

  1. DId you ever get rid of the custard pie
  2. I range my local MP this morning (Leicester, one of Gordons lot) as I needed some advise only to find that the office was closed until Monday, Well I thought to myself I will ring the Houses of Parliament because I know that they have an office there. I managed to get through to the switch board and they put me through to my local MP's office only to receive a recorded message saying, we are closed today please ring you local constituency office. Eh, am I correct in thinking that they do not want to answer questions because they have not got a clue.
  3. There is a solution, but it's not capable of being expressed in a sound bite. Some sort of voucher system has to feature - even the possibility of giving some of your vouchers to someone in more need should be considered. There's now value placed on the supply end of the health service but not such constraints at the demand end. It's human nature that people will only appreciate something they have to give to get. I'm not talking just about money here - respect has to feature too! That sounds like a workable idea as I believe you should not get nothing for nothing. Need should come before I want.
  4. There is only one way to change the system and that is a completely new political party thats prepared to stand up and say wrong is wrong whatever the cost in votes. Problem is where does this party come from? It would have to be a party made up of people that have got morale values and have the necessary financial and economic experience and would not be afraid to make decisions even if it meant loosing votes and sadly that is the real problem. If joe public don't vote for you then you do not win an election. People in this country only live for today and if Gordon and the likes give them something the day before an election they will vote for him, two days after the election he will probably make another statement but tough your stuck with him till the next election (British jobs for British People) Gordon's comment not mine.
  5. Joe has refused to sign a new contract until the end of the season, does this mean he is disillusioned as well? I also see that more protests are being organised for the Toon Everton game. It gets better and better.
  6. Have you given Rothbury its gas back yet?
  7. Your obviously getting help from outside?
  8. Whilst I agree with the majority of posts in this thread that if you commit crime you should be punished and time in prison should not be an easy time. I do feel that there should be a procedure to try and re educate prisoners so that they have the opportunity to become contributing members of society. I agree with Mrsvic that people should be held accountable for their actions and the days of blaming alcohol and the likes should not be allowed as an excuse in a court of law. Nobody forces anybody to get drunk and act in a violent and aggressive manner. Far to many wrong things have become acceptable these days, did the law change or have we all gone soft? I had the misfortune to be at the local hospital yesterday (Leicester) not for myself but with someone else, whilst I sat in the waiting room the nurse kept calling a name out as this person was obviously waiting to be seen by the doctor but there was no answer, he turned up about twenty minutes later demanding why he had not been seen yet and when told they had been calling his name out for the last twenty minutes he made some flimsy excuse. This is not a crime but its the start as his attitude was, I will do as I like when I like, no respect for others. Another person I observed yesterday at the hospital, a young lady with mobile phone having a conversation over the phone, theres big bliddy noticed everywhere that say's switch off mobile phones whilst on the premises, again I don't suppose that its a crime but these people are ill educated and have no respect for others, my remark on ill educated is not in any way directed at teachers or schools because I would imagine that half of these people never bothered to turn up at school anyway and developed the Ill do what I want when I want attitude at an early age. Government after government have played the law and order card at election time but not one have delivered.
  9. He did he is a telegraph pole smasher. Oops I meant lamp post, I have just read the post again
  10. Yes, well I am not sure it could just be me getting confused but last month there was a full premier league program on the Tuesday and Wednesday night. Over the two nights I acquired 13 points but the league table only showed 5 of theses points. Perhaps our leader HP can throw some light on the strange goings on.
  11. But who will you support HP if the Toon were to end up in the same league as the Spartans.
  12. Take the day off its snowing outside
  13. Threegee, why are comments approved in the galleries before we can view them, I thought only members could access the galleries?
  14. This is much better Please do not stop on our account.
  15. Ah well at least they can have a pint whilst waiting for the tow truck.
  16. Not bad at all, they normally charge £2 for the car park.
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