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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Na there goal was off side the linesman was sleeping. Nolan had a good game considering it was his first game for the Toon. Insomnia has then.
  2. £500,000 plus VAT plus the price of reparing the walls around the car park, the last time I went passed there they were falling down.
  3. Could not agree more Monsta, its one heck of a price for that place.
  4. Casting my mind back many moons there correct it did have a car park at the rear. The entrance use to be to the right of the pub as you look at it from the trafic island which was not there tha last time I went in there, the trafic island that is,
  5. He is because a friend of mine seen him there and told me.
  6. We needed the win but a point is beter than nothing. Sunderland goal was offside and Newcastle got a penalty that never was, neither side deserved to win.
  7. Has the Red lion got a car park?
  8. I saw a previeiw on the local news there looks to be some good motors there.
  9. Will I be able to smoke me tabs?
  10. Theres only one answer to one price thats one company, nationalized.
  11. Happy Birthday Denzel, hope you have a great day, have a pint on me.
  12. Followed the link and just scanned the 2009 response report, yes your right, they have run out of ideas
  13. Well, I am all for competition but I do not feel there is true competition between these fuel suppliers, the punter always seems to loose. We could revert back to the days of wood burning fires and candles but I am sure that if we did that Gordon would find a way of imposing a wood burning tax and a low light tax as this may contribute to the fictitious global warming. One thing for sure we will never win, it looks like we will be paying a high price for ever
  14. You have just burst my bubble, I was looking forward to tea and toast
  15. Mek sure the Guiness is good if you go ahead.
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